Well-known member
Hi to all , and many will always refuse to believe that Israel was set aside !!

2 Cor 3:13-16 should be clear to all !!

So , let me explain what Heb 10:11 and 12 have to say !!

Verse 11, reads And every priest STANDS ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifice , which can never take away sins !!

Please notice that this priest always STANDETH / HISTEMI is in the Greek IMPERFECT TENSE which than means that this priesthood and sacrifices started during Moses time and is NOW TO STOP , after 1600 years , WHY?

In verse 12 it reads , But this Man , after He had offered ONE SACRIFICE for sin forever , SAT DOWN at the right hand of God !!

The priests who did the sacrifices had to STAND all day at the alter in a continually day of sacrifices !!

Not so Jesus , one sacrifice took away sin and JESUS SAT DOWN !!

So , from now on no more sacrifices for sins , no more Water Baptism , no more Prophecies and no more gifts on Knowledge , 1 Cor 13:8 as they have been ABOLISHED !!

And this one sacrifice paid for 1600 years of the sacrifices that the priests did for Israel and Heb 9:15 proves it !!

This is just ONE MORE reason the Hebrews is for the Nation of Israel and Not the B O C !!

dan p


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It really wasn't necessary to STOP animal sacrifice, since no animal sacrifices could save to begin with.
And we certainly don't see any of the 12 telling anyone to STOP sacrificing.

Hebrews 10 KJV
(4) For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.​

Hebrews 10 KJV​
(11) And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:​

They didn't take away sin then, they don't take away sin now, and they won't take away sin in the future.
They, like all the feast days were done as a remembrance of what GOD has promised.
A remembrance that GOD Himself would take away their sins, not some sacrificial animal.

Isaiah 43 KJV​
(25) I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.​
(26) Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.​


Well-known member
It really wasn't necessary to STOP animal sacrifice, since no animal sacrifices could save to begin with.
And we certainly don't see any of the 12 telling anyone to STOP sacrificing.

Hebrews 10 KJV
(4) For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.​

Hebrews 10 KJV​
(11) And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:​

They didn't take away sin then, they don't take away sin now, and they won't take away sin in the future.
They, like all the feast days were done as a remembrance of what GOD has promised.
A remembrance that GOD Himself would take away their sins, not some sacrificial animal.

Isaiah 43 KJV​
(25) I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.​
(26) Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.​

Hi and what part of my OP , are you in dis-agreement with , IF you disagree !!

The Greek word STANDETH is in the Greek IMPERFECT TENSE and means , animal sacrifices began and then at the cross were no longer needed !!

dan p


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Hi and what part of my OP , are you in dis-agreement with , IF you disagree !!
Only with the word "stop".
And even then, probably just semantics.
Just wanted to make it clear that Jesus dying on the cross was not meant to "stop" or even "replace" the animal sacrifices, as the animal sacrifices never did take away sins to begin with.

The sacrifices in the past were not, and the sacrifices in the future are not, for the taking away of sins, but for a reminder, a memorial that sin could only be taken away by a spotless one (God Himself).
Animal sacrifices did not become abhorrent or an abomination to GOD after Jesus died on the cross, otherwise the future sacrifices would be a no-no.

That's all I meant by it.


Well-known member
Only with the word "stop".
And even then, probably just semantics.
Just wanted to make it clear that Jesus dying on the cross was not meant to "stop" or even "replace" the animal sacrifices, as the animal sacrifices never did take away sins to begin with.

The sacrifices in the past were not, and the sacrifices in the future are not, for the taking away of sins, but for a reminder, a memorial that sin could only be taken away by a spotless one (God Himself).
Animal sacrifices did not become abhorrent or an abomination to GOD after Jesus died on the cross, otherwise the future sacrifices would be a no-no.

That's all I meant by it.

Hi and I stand what the Greek word STANDETH / HISTEMI is in the IMPERFECT TENSE and since the Law of Moses was set aside , so also was the animal sacrifices BECAUSE Christ is the last sacrifice for SIN and He sat down at the right hand of the Father !!

I do not see your reasoning !!

dan p


New member
Ok, it's simple, Judah was set aside and Israel has been blessed.

That's it.


Well-known member
Hi to all , and many will always refuse to believe that Israel was set aside !!

2 Cor 3:13-16 should be clear to all !!

So , let me explain what Heb 10:11 and 12 have to say !!

Verse 11, reads And every priest STANDS ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifice , which can never take away sins !!

Please notice that this priest always STANDETH / HISTEMI is in the Greek IMPERFECT TENSE which than means that this priesthood and sacrifices started during Moses time and is NOW TO STOP , after 1600 years , WHY?

In verse 12 it reads , But this Man , after He had offered ONE SACRIFICE for sin forever , SAT DOWN at the right hand of God !!

The priests who did the sacrifices had to STAND all day at the alter in a continually day of sacrifices !!

Not so Jesus , one sacrifice took away sin and JESUS SAT DOWN !!

So , from now on no more sacrifices for sins , no more Water Baptism , no more Prophecies and no more gifts on Knowledge , 1 Cor 13:8 as they have been ABOLISHED !!

And this one sacrifice paid for 1600 years of the sacrifices that the priests did for Israel and Heb 9:15 proves it !!

This is just ONE MORE reason the Hebrews is for the Nation of Israel and Not the B O C !!

dan p

It's not a matter of "Israel" being set aside. Believers are not set aside; unbelievers are. Judaism believed it was above criterion merely by race/nation. Not.


Well-known member
It's not a matter of "Israel" being set aside. Believers are not set aside; unbelievers are. Judaism believed it was above criterion merely by race/nation. Not.

Hi and another TEACHING MOMENT for IP !!

Gentiles were set aside in Rom 1:22-32 !!

Israel was set aside in 2 Cor 3:3:13-16 and in Rom 2:5 and 15 and then verse 16 !!

All will be judged by verse 16 , in a day when God shall judge the hidden things of men according to Paul's gospel by Christ Jesus !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and another TEACHING MOMENT for IP !!

Gentiles were set aside in Rom 1:22-32 !!

Israel was set aside in 2 Cor 3:3:13-16 and in Rom 2:5 and 15 and then verse 16 !!

All will be judged by verse 16 , in a day when God shall judge the hidden things of men according to Paul's gospel by Christ Jesus !!

dan p

He made it clear (again) that he works with those who have faith and sets aside those who don't believe. Rahab the Canaanite harlot believed and was saved. Many in the race Israel did not believe and grumbled and died in the desert.


Well-known member
He made it clear (again) that he works with those who have faith and sets aside those who don't believe. Rahab the Canaanite harlot believed and was saved. Many in the race Israel did not believe and grumbled and died in the desert.

Hi and you quote , Rahab , so how was she saved ?


Another gospel , like Rom 5:14 ??

dan p


New member
Hi to all , and many will always refuse to believe that Israel was set aside !!

2 Cor 3:13-16 should be clear to all !!

This doesn't say they were set aside but that they choose to step aside. They can still be saved and verse 16 proves it.
16 But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.

The invitation is still open to them. The only way they can be saved is by coming to Jesus.


Well-known member
This doesn't say they were set aside but that they choose to step aside. They can still be saved and verse 16 proves it.
16 But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.

The invitation is still open to them. The only way they can be saved is by coming to Jesus.

Hi tubro , just where does it say that " they choose to step aside " and read Isa 6:8-11 OR Luke 13:6-8 ??

Verse 16 tell us all how that Jews can be saved today as that VAIL has to taken away !!

dan p


Well-known member
Everything is now done through Christ, Rom 11:30. God's people are those in Christ; those who refuse to be in Him are not God's people.

This is not an interposition that just showed up with Christ. This is what the OT was saying all along.


Well-known member
Everything is now done through Christ, Rom 11:30. God's people are those in Christ; those who refuse to be in Him are not God's people.

This is not an interposition that just showed up with Christ. This is what the OT was saying all along.

Hi and I see Rom 11:30 this way : The Gentiles are the ones who once refused belief in God !!

Now we are given mercy BECAUSE of Israel's DISOBEDIENCE !!

2 Cor 3:16 still applies to individual Jews today !!

dan p


Well-known member
The Gentiles get mercy because there is mercy in the Gospel. The same for Jews. Rom 11 is not about the 'blocking' of one group or another, because God works with all individuals (a Jew wrote it)--unless they want to be. The NT writers may generalize but it's not even true of ALL Gentiles, is it. Just that there was an influx.

The question remains whether Jews will realize that nothing at all is based on race. It must be based on faith. That is the true 'tree' of the tree imagery of ch 11.

'God does not owe anything to anyone.' Rom 11's doxology