Another Real Science Radio Science Prediction Fulfilled: Asteroids with Moons!


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Another RSR Science Prediction Fulfilled: Asteroids with Moons!

This is the show from Tuesday January 27th, 2015


Bob Enyart celebrates NASA's Announcement today. See this at In our 2013 prediction, Bob Enyart and flood expert Kevin Lea predicted that one day asteroids will be shown to have greater-than-expected debris fields orbiting them. Four months later the 1.7-mile-wide asteroid "QE2" passed the Earth at a distance of 3.6 million miles with its own moon in tow! And then on January 27, 2015, NASA announced that the 1,100-foot asteroid "2004 BL86" passed the Earth with its own 230-foot diameter moon in tow. Get the links to all this at our /predictions page! Dr. Walt Brown has helped so many see so clearly! Bob also discussed the transsexual and his/her fiance welcomed by the Pope to the Vatican this week, and the fun Eagle Eggs Return 6-minute video added today to the BEL YouTube channel.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I wonder how evolutionists explain asteroids with moons. :think:

The Barbarian

I wonder how evolutionists explain asteroids with moons.

Gravity and inertia. If, for example, an asteroid is hit by another, much smaller one, it will throw up some chunks. Some are likely to be at the right speed to orbit the asteroid.

Given that asteroids tend to be cratered, it would be odd indeed if none of them had a moon. Lots of them have been found, before Bob and Kevin did a "me too" prediction:

As of November 2011, there are over 200 minor planets known to have moons.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
show us the physics of a 1100 ft asteroid generating enough gravitational pull to keep a 230 ft "moon" in orbit assume a density of 1.0

Well, it has the pull. What it needs is a lot of luck to get it into orbit and keep it there for any significant period of time.

There are two things we could sensibly assume from observations of asteroids with moons:

First, they must have been set up recently and second, they must have been set up by a special event.

The Barbarian

show us the physics of a 1100 ft asteroid generating enough gravitational pull to keep a 230 ft "moon" in orbit

assume a density of 1.0

You think rock floats on water? :nono: There may be some asteroids that are more pumice-like, but I'm thinking that most are 2.5 or so, even with some porosity. Let's see...

Apparently Ida (which was shown to have a moon in 1993) is estimated to be between 2.2 and 2.9.

It's volume is 19553.28 cubic kilometers. Mass is about 4.2 ± 0.6 ×1016 kg About 2.4 gm/cc.

The gravitational constant is about (Barbarian checks) 6.673×10−11 N·(m/kg)2

Apparently, Ida and Dactyl were formed by the breakup by collision of a much larger body, maybe hundreds of kilometers across. Dactyl is only about 1.5 km across. So the two bodies are certainly large enough to be gravitationally bound. If my back of the envelope numbers are right, escape velocity is 9-12 meters per second, certainly a reasonable range to capture a fragment of rock resulting from a collision.

So the "prediction" of asteroids having entrained debris is way behind the actual data we had, showing that to be a fact.

Edit: A collision is a "special event", but given the pocked nature of these asteroids, there were a lot of special events over the last few billion years. Surely, a lot of asteroids had and lost entrained material, and others had more formed by collisions. Nothing remarkable in that.
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You think rock floats on water? :nono: There may be some asteroids that are more pumice-like, but I'm thinking that most are 2.5 or so, even with some porosity. Let's see...

Apparently Ida (which was shown to have a moon in 1993) is estimated to be between 2.2 and 2.9.

It's volume is 19553.28 cubic kilometers. Mass is about 4.2 ± 0.6 ×1016 kg About 2.4 gm/cc.

The gravitational constant is about (Barbarian checks) 6.673×10−11 N·(m/kg)2

Apparently, Ida and Dactyl were formed by the breakup by collision of a much larger body, maybe hundreds of kilometers across. Dactyl is only about 1.5 km across. So the two bodies are certainly large enough to be gravitationally bound. If my back of the envelope numbers are right, escape velocity is 9-12 meters per second, certainly a reasonable range to capture a fragment of rock resulting from a collision.

So the "prediction" of asteroids having entrained debris is way behind the actual data we had, showing that to be a fact.

Edit: A collision is a "special event", but given the pocked nature of these asteroids, there were a lot of special events over the last few billion years. Surely, a lot of asteroids had and lost entrained material, and others had more formed by collisions. Nothing remarkable in that.

sorry dude

failure to follow directions

you get an "F"

patrick jane

Well, it has the pull. What it needs is a lot of luck to get it into orbit and keep it there for any significant period of time.

There are two things we could sensibly assume from observations of asteroids with moons:

First, they must have been set up recently and second, they must have been set up by a special event.


The Barbarian

sorry dude

failure to follow directions

you get an "F"

I've actually seen science teachers like that.


As you learned, rock generally, and asteroids specifically, have much higher densities than 1.0. They would not float on water. You were doing so well, and now this. Time for you to go back on random ignore.