Another lying leftist


New member
I think you misunderstand him. He says he is not engaging in politics designed to divide people. That doesn't mean he won't engage in politics at all. His goal has not been to divide people, it has been to act on what he believes is the best course of action. If people are divided over those choices, so be it. But that is not his design.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Again, comment is unnecessary, you bitter clingers.

Yep, the man is pretty much full of crap, he went into his presidency to divide America upon ideological lines and that is just what he has done. Obama is a liar for claiming that he doesn't, or didn't intend to do just that. Congratulations Mr President, you have left America in worse shape fiscally, and socially...job well done. :thumb:

I think you misunderstand him. He says he is not engaging in politics designed to divide people. That doesn't mean he won't engage in politics at all. His goal has not been to divide people, it has been to act on what he believes is the best course of action. If people are divided over those choices, so be it. But that is not his design.

No, I think the majority of Americans understand his modus operandi quite well now...a little too late. The fact that you deny the division that America has encountered since this man took office either makes you quite stupid, naive, or both. Have another sip of that quisling kool-aid it will help you drown the sorrows of your failed president.


Well-known member
I think you misunderstand him. He says he is not engaging in politics designed to divide people. That doesn't mean he won't engage in politics at all. His goal has not been to divide people, it has been to act on what he believes is the best course of action. If people are divided over those choices, so be it. But that is not his design.

Hey, I have a bridge for sale. Wanna buy it?


New member
Yep, the man is pretty much full of crap, he went into his presidency to divide America upon ideological lines and that is just what he has done. Obama is a liar for claiming that he doesn't, or didn't intend to do just that. Congratulations Mr President, you have left America in worse shape fiscally, and socially...job well done. :thumb:

No, I think the majority of Americans understand his modus operandi quite well now...a little too late. The fact that you deny the division that America has encountered since this man took office either makes you quite stupid, naive, or both. Have another sip of that quisling kool-aid it will help you drown the sorrows of your failed president.

Do you mind explaining how idealogical lines were unified before Obama? Because I don't recall much unity when Bush was president either....


New member
No, I think the majority of Americans understand his modus operandi quite well now...a little too late. The fact that you deny the division that America has encountered since this man took office either makes you quite stupid, naive, or both. Have another sip of that quisling kool-aid it will help you drown the sorrows of your failed president.
Do you honestly believe the country was unified before he came into office? The fact that you believe this either makes you quite stupid, naive, or both.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Do you honestly believe the country was unified before he came into office? The fact that you believe this either makes you quite stupid, naive, or both.

Speaking as someone who doesn't even live in the US, it's once again a case of silly labelling/ignorance or wilful dishonesty on behalf of the OP. This pathetic left/right stereotype is only perpetuated by those with a daft little axe to grind frankly.