Another Lawyer and Judge Who Deserve Execution


DNA clears Nevada woman imprisoned 35 years for murder

RENO, Nev. (AP) — After the case was dropped against a Nevada woman who spent 35 years in prison for a 1976 murder she did not commit, both sides agreed on one point: justice was finally served thanks to new technology in DNA testing.

Cathy Woods became the latest innocent person in the country to be cleared by DNA evidence after prosecutors announced Friday there will be no retrial of her in the fatal stabbing of 19-year-old Michelle Mitchell on the edge of the University of Nevada, Reno, campus.

A judge tossed Woods' conviction in September after new DNA tests linked the Reno crime to an Oregon inmate who now faces charges near San Francisco in a string of killings about the same time.

Washoe County District Attorney Chris Hicks said he didn't fault earlier police, prosecutors and juries for sending Woods to prison because they didn't have "the incredible tool of DNA."

"Whenever we hear about these rare cases where convicted individuals are later exonerated by DNA, it is a circumstance that upsets our society, rightly so," Hicks said at a news conference. "It is also depicted as a strike against our modern day criminal justice system. I would suggest otherwise.

"These exonerations, 30 and 40 years later, show how improved our criminal justice system has become. So as tragic and difficult as this case continues to be, the one shining light is that it shows our modern day system is working," he added.

Woods' public defender, Maizie Pusich, agreed, saying earlier authorities and juries simply lacked DNA evidence.

"I wish it (Woods' exoneration) happened a long time ago, but at least it happened now when she's in relatively good health," Pusich told The Associated Press. "As time goes by, there will be innocent people in prison who slip through the cracks because they won't survive much longer."

Woods, now 64, didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. She lives in the Southern California home of her brother and his wife, both of whom care for her. She remains under mental health treatment and is "doing well," Pusich said.

She was convicted in 1980 and again five years later. The convictions were based largely on the confession she made in 1979 at a psychiatric hospital in Shreveport, Louisiana, where her mother committed her months earlier.

The former Reno resident does not remember acknowledging the killing while hospitalized, Pusich said.

The FBI says DNA found on a Marlboro cigarette butt at the Reno crime scene suggests the real killer is Rodney Halbower, a former Oregon inmate recently charged in the deaths of two women who were among five victims in the "Gypsy Hill" murders in Northern California about the same time Mitchell was killed.

Pusich said Woods is "very lucky" Halbower was required to submit a DNA sample by law in 2013 after he was paroled from prison in Nevada and transferred to an Oregon prison to begin serving a 30-year sentence for attempted murder. He was serving time in Nevada for an unrelated 1975 rape.

Woods also is fortunate a fellow female inmate was aware of the legal process to get Halbower's DNA tested and initiated it by filing paperwork, Pusich said.

"It (DNA testing) only happened because he was transferred from Nevada to Oregon," she said. "Before that, we knew the DNA on the cigarette butt wasn't hers. But the DNA test proved it was definitely his."

Halbower, 66, a native of Muskegon Heights, Michigan, was serving the sentence in Oregon when he was extradited to San Mateo County in California, and charged in January with murder in the 1976 deaths of Paula Louise Baxter, 17, and Veronica "Ronnie" Anne Cascio, 18, near Pacifica.

Halbower had been arrested for the rape of a 33-year-old woman in Reno in November 1975. He was released on bail and barely a month later the Gypsy Hill murders began in California. Cascio's body was found Jan. 8, 1976, and Baxter's on Feb. 4. Mitchell was killed Feb. 24.

Hicks said Halbower now is a suspect in the Nevada murder.

Pusich said Woods is relieved she no longer lives under the threat of prosecution and is "trying to figure out what comes next" in her life. She faces a challenge of adjusting to new technology such as emails and laptop computers, she said, and hopes to travel to Louisiana for her mother's 92nd birthday in April.

"She's delighted this is finally at an end," Pusich said. "She's also very lucky because she has a family who can care for her and are qualified to take care of her."


and, of course, the prison officials who kept her unlawfully imprisoned (aka kidnapped) for 35 years


Ricky Jackson thanks Ohio Innocence Project for helping free him

CINCINNATI (AP) — A man who spent nearly four decades in prison for a slaying and was freed after a witness said he lied as a boy is personally thanking those in Cincinnati who helped him.

Ricky Jackson called the Ohio Innocence Project his "knight in shining armor." Jackson conveyed his appreciation Tuesday at the project's University of Cincinnati home.

Jackson says he would have walked to Cincinnati from Cleveland if necessary to thank project members and others who he said "saved my life." The project took on Jackson's defense a few years ago.

A Cleveland judge recently dismissed the cases against 57-year-old Jackson and 60-year-old Wiley Bridgeman.

The witness recanted last year and said Cleveland police coerced him into testifying that the two men and another man killed a businessman in 1975.



Why does the judge and the prosecuting attorney need to be tried? Was she not found guilty by a jury?

i give the jury a pass (unless it can be shown that they acted dishonestly)

i hold the prosecuting attorney guilty for prosecuting woods based on evidence that should not have supported a conviction

and i hold the judge guilty for allowing it


New member
Hall of Fame
i give the jury a pass (unless it can be shown that they acted dishonestly)

i hold the prosecuting attorney guilty for prosecuting woods based on evidence that should not have supported a conviction

and i hold the judge guilty for allowing it

There will never be perfect justice untill Christ returns. What misconduct and false evidence can you cite here to believe the judge and prosecutor were corrupt and prosecuted her knowing she was innocent?


i don't have time to delve into this, but this is telling:

Appellant Cathy Woods was convicted of first-degree murder in the slaying of Michelle Mitchell and was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Because we consider that certain evidentiary rulings of the district court precluded appellant from receiving a fair trial, we reverse her conviction.


New member
Hall of Fame
i don't have time to delve into this, but this is telling:

yes, the lack of the ability to test dna evidence at the time. Why is the judge and prosecutor guilty of something because of the lack of scientific technology at the time?

Cite actual prosecutorial misconduct and judicial misconduct.


i'll get back to it tomorrow, but if she was innocent, what evidence did they use to convict her?

if she was innocent, what evidence could they have used to convict her?

in a truly just system


New member
"She was convicted in 1980 and again five years later. The convictions were based largely on the confession she made in 1979 at a psychiatric hospital in Shreveport, Louisiana, where her mother committed her months earlier.

The former Reno resident does not remember acknowledging the killing while hospitalized, Pusich said."

She confessed. That's usually enough to convict :idunno:


it shouldn't be

not from a mental patient

not even in 1979

not even in louisiana


unless she was black


the testimony of two witnesses


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Justice served?

nope - not until the judge and the prosecuting attorney are tried and executed

and, of course, the prison officials who kept her unlawfully imprisoned (aka kidnapped) for 35 years

If they faithfully performed their duties during the trials, then no charges should be brought. They can and should only be charged if they acted maliciously.


If they faithfully performed their duties during the trials, then no charges should be brought. They can and should only be charged if they acted maliciously.

even if they were working for a corrupt and evil system?

were the guards at treblinka faithfully performing their duties?


Well-known member
yes, the lack of the ability to test dna evidence at the time. Why is the judge and prosecutor guilty of something because of the lack of scientific technology at the time?

Cite actual prosecutorial misconduct and judicial misconduct.

Weren't they playing God? Therefore, they must inevitably err.

Why would anyone want to be party to even the possibility of erroneously imprisoning another?

Jesus, God and the defense lawyer are on one side. They say, do not judge, turn the other cheek (because no human or group of humans can know all the facts).

The persecutor is the devil's advocate. He says I will not only judge you I will also convict you. The persecutor is not concerned about all the fact. They are interested only in evidence which can help them win their conviction.

If the majority of the population like this system (as is the case in democratic countries), then when it fails, they must collectively properly and adequately compensate victims, at all possible levels.

Or Jesus and God will extract their pound of flesh, individually, from such a population, on Their terms.

Pay your debts before you die. Or you will be called to pay for them when you die, in much scarcer and harder currency. And you may not have any of the required currency. Therefore jail time in the under world could be in the cards for you . . . . all because you support a system, the natural weaknesses of which, you are not prepared to own up too.

Do you go to prisons to help prisoners and/or aid rehabilitation? Do you take an active interest in this system which is there to serve society?

Or do you simply stay on the side lines arguing semantic as your comforting tool, while claiming to be 'holy'.
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