Another Jail Worker for Abolition

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Another Jail Worker for Abolition

This is the show from Monday February 9th, 2009.

Nurse Maria: There's a better chance of saving [criminals convicted of capital crimes] if they have 24 hours before they're executed because all of a sudden you need to get right with God pretty quick. But if you've got 30 years to sit on death row you're going to become hard...

Bob Enyart: Yeah, you end up hating your victims even more, hating their family...

Nurse Maria: And it's everyone else's fault but your own.

Bob Enyart: Yeah, hating the judge, hating the prosecutors...

Nurse Maria: And hating God worse of all. And then you end up in Hell.


* Incarceration is a Failed Punishment: BEL medical analyst Nurse Maria gives examples of the failure of the prison system and demonstrates that it is a humanist approach to punishment. Bob Enyart and Nurse Maria discuss the only three forms of punishment authorized by God, restitution, corporal punishment, and capital punishment, and that God only permits holding a suspect in custody until the conclusion of a trial. Learn more in the KGOV Store's Department of Government which includes Bob's classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar on CD or read his article (Google 1 of 1.7M for: God death penalty) or DVD on God and the Death Penalty: NT Support for Capital Punishment.

* 20 % of BEL February Telethon: Help Bob Enyart continue to present news from a biblical perspective and broadcast the truth of God's Word to thousands and thousands of people hungry to know Jesus Christ and His commandments. The KGOV staff is thankful that so far, our listeners have given 20% of our $20,000 goal to keep Bob broadcasting through 2009! Please give online or by calling 1-800-8Enyart! Please help!

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