Another case of terminal drug stupidity


Well-known member

He's suing the gas station where he bought the butane to make hash oil, along with several other entities. His tapeworm of a lawyer is trying to, basically, make the case that there was no warning give that butane can blow up when used specifically for making hash oil. In a closed garage. With a gas furnace or water heater pilot light burning only a few feet away.

Mini-marts also sell matches. If I burn my house down trying to grill out in my living room, the precedent from this case (if successful...Oregon, chances are 50/50 he'll win) will allow me to sue the store that sells me the matches, along with Weber, Kingsford, Diamond Match Co., Dollar Tree for selling me the spatula and tongs, and maybe whoever made my carpeting because they didn't warn me I shouldn't do that (okay, Weber says not to grill inside but I'll sue 'em anyway, the fat cat rich corporatists).

The family of his now-dead friend should sue this stupid pothead, if not see him charged with manslaughter for his death, and the store should counter-sue and make him pay all court costs and attorney fees.


New member
You pick a stupid guy and try to make him represent the millions that regularly smoke marijuana responsibly and are normal people.

I could do the same with one of the stupid religious fanatics I know to make Christianity look bad.


Well-known member
You pick a stupid guy and try to make him represent the millions that regularly smoke marijuana responsibly and are normal people.

I could do the same with one of the stupid religious fanatics I know to make Christianity look bad.

Do that.

First, define what "making Christianity look bad" would even mean to you since you've already rejected Christianity in toto.

Second, I guarantee they'll be making Christ look bad in defiance of the teachings of Him and His apostles, not because of them. Drug users like yourself, on the other hand, use drugs for the express purpose of becoming stupid. Drug users like yourself are stupid. Anyone who wants to go through life intoxicated and impaired (which is the point of using them, as you do) is literally stupid. Note I didn't say "unintelligent," though that case can be made, too. I said "stupid" per its literal definition, "unthinking, without thought." That's the whole reason people like you use drugs - because you prefer part-time intoxication and impaired thinking to being a normal, sober-minded grownup. Psychologically, some part of you is still a child, and you come here defending your hip, cool, drug-fueled childishness. That's the essence of true stupidity.

Whether you're so naturally stupid that you are somehow drawn to drugs, or seek to attain states of stupidity via drugs (which is even more stupid), the result is the same: you are stupid and your reasonings are those of an addled child. Because you're stupid.