And then there are Miracles:


New member
What do all you geniuses think a miracle is! – There cannot be a proven miracle, even though there can be miracles; there cannot be proven miracles today. - In the past, during the Apostles and Jesus, and before Jesus, there were miracles, BUT NO ONE CAN / “CAN” NOW PROVE THEM. – Have any of you smart “MIRACULOUS” people ever heard of FAITH!! – What is a “MIRACLE” or something that is “MIRACULOUS”!! – A Miracle is something or anything that cannot happen / “THAT CANNOT HAPPEN”. If it cannot, or could not happen, and it does happen, that’s a MIRACLE, NOT SUPERNATURAL!! – Supernatural is not miracle; but supernatural is just extremely not natural, but still NATURAL. – There are everyday things, and there are somewhat rare things, and there are rare things, and there are very rare things, and there are super rare things. “AND THEN THERE ARE MIRACLES”. - Miracles are not the “often”, or systematic, or recognized everyday events, but the random, awesome, freighting, but cannot be proven events. - JESUS CHRIST WILL NOT GIVE THE UNBELIEVER THE SLIGHTEST HINT THAT “I AM”. – Have any of you geniuses ever heard of “FAITH”!!! – If it’s not of FAITH, it’s a LIE!!?

The dead coming back to life would be a miracle, BUT THAT CANNOT HAPPEN, now can it genius!! - BECAUSE if you see it, it’s a LIE, and not of FAITH, now ain’t it, GENIUS.

How many of all those religious denominations believe in miracles that are “SEEN” as miracles!! - OR believe in Ghosts, or Space Aliens, or the Writings in other books, or Philosophy and Science, or believe that there is more than one Holy Body, or that the fool’s body will some day be a Holy Body!!! -- THANK THE LORD THAT THERE’S A HELL THAT THESE FOOLS DON’T BELIEVE IS A MIRACLE!!

Is it a miracle that the Angels behold the face of the Father always!! Or that the fool has entertained Angels unawares!! – Is it a miracle that there are Angels at all!! – Is God a Miracle!! – Are Miracles, Miracles!! – ARE YOU A MIRACLE, and can’t prove it!! -- TO GOD!! ---- Matthew 7:22-23 KJV –----- AREN’T THE LOST THE REAL MIRACLES!!

What’s a Lying Wonder!! – WHAT ARE ALL THOSE WONDERFUL LYING MIRACLES ALL YOU FOOLS “SEE” EVERY DAY ON THE “TV” MINISTRIES!!! – Does not God warn you fools about THAT VERY THING!! – And it just doesn’t matter to any fool at all!!! – LOOK AROUND, THEY ARE EVERYWHERE, those miraculous unbelievers!! – How can they even exist; how do they achieve their unbelief; how can they possibly not believe GOD!! – THAT’S A MIRACLE!! – Any half-wit can SEE that they are lying MIRACLES, but the fool sees and finds faith in those LYING MIRACLES.

Paul – 102211