An opinion on Christian political involvement


Well-known member
Since Constantine, the Church has taken part in earth's politics, with very evil results, and now Protestantism, like Catholicism, threatens to take a large hand in controlling the "temporal powers," in order to make a new world.

How different is Paul's attitude! He knew the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom the world has been crucified to the believer, and the believer to it. God is demonstrating the futility of human government now, and has shown us that it will get worse until it is headed up in the man of sin.

Shall we join it only to be condemned with it? Shall we seek to rule when we know that it is about to call down God's direct indignation? No! Our realm is inherent in the heavens, out of which we are awaiting a Savior (Philippians 3:20).​

A.E. Knoch
writing in the 1960s at latest​


Christians don't know how to fight or oppose anything anymore. There was a time when Christians put their bones into change, now they just talk loud and resume with their lives.

Idealism without appropriate action is fruitless and that is why Christians have lost control of everything, in all sectors.
No point in denying reality there, liberals and atheists have rolled their agenda right over Christianity :rolleyes:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Christians don't know how to fight or oppose anything anymore. There was a time when Christians put their bones into change, now they just talk loud and resume with their lives.

Idealism without appropriate action is fruitless and that is why Christians have lost control of everything, in all sectors.
No point in denying reality there, liberals and atheists have rolled their agenda right over Christianity :rolleyes:

Anything YOU do isn't gonna stop what's already inevitable. I believe in voting, however, ultimately, at some point in time, the "Anti-Christ" is gonna take over the world for a small period of time. He will be possessed by Satan himself. Hopefully, the "Rapture" will take God's Children out before that happens?


Well-known member
Anything YOU do isn't gonna stop what's already inevitable. I believe in voting, however, ultimately, at some point in time, the "Anti-Christ" is gonna take over the world for a small period of time. He will be possessed by Satan himself. Hopefully, the "Rapture" will take God's Children out before that happens?

Yup. The Body is not appointed to wrath. That wrath starts earlier than most in Christendom believe it will (if they believe wrath is coming at all).


Well-known member
You're not worth responding to, moby Catholic, but that can't slide.

Christians don't know how to fight or oppose anything anymore. There was a time when Christians put their bones into change, now they just talk loud and resume with their lives.

And despite it, look at the point where society has dropped to and is STILL dropping. Christians -- which I do not believe you are -- can only tell others how to be saved from the trainwreck. The trainwreck itself cannot be stopped. But you and ACW (kindred spirits, you two) keep telling yourselves that you can vote a godless, iniquitous nation into righteousness.

Idealism without appropriate action is fruitless and that is why Christians have lost control of everything, in all sectors.

True members of Christ never had control because they were never really of this world.

No point in denying reality there, liberals and atheists have rolled their agenda right over Christianity :rolleyes:

It was inevitable. God said so. If you believed the Bible you'd know that.

You don't fool me.


Two questions:

1. Why is this anti-government thread in the politics forum instead of religion?

2. Based on other posts that the author of this thread has written and one of the other contributors to this thread has written as well, I get the feeling that they support righteous legislation/rulings and believe that government officials can make a difference.

So which is it fellas: God did ordain civil government as one of three institutions for the governance of man (the church and the family being the other two) or He didn't?


You're not worth responding to, moby Catholic, but that can't slide.

An accusation based on my knowledge of things of the Catholic Church. Your deliberate dishonesty only makes you look foolish, nobody really thinks I am 'Catholic', even the one or two trolls who might come behind you with the same nonsense.

And despite it, look at the point where society has dropped to and is STILL dropping. Christians -- which I do not believe you are -- can only tell others how to be saved from the trainwreck. The trainwreck itself cannot be stopped. But you and ACW (kindred spirits, you two) keep telling yourselves that you can vote a godless, iniquitous nation into righteousness.

Christians had a 1500 year run, and now that you're losing to reprobates you all of a sudden want to pull the card you are pulling :rotfl:
Take some accountability Broseph- your 'easy believism', passivity, and indifference is what led this country into the mud. The fact is that a lot of you are just WORLDLY, and you want to make it appear as something else.

The Horn

People who can't keep their religious beliefs out of politics have no business getting involved in it . Politics and religion are a deadly match .
Politicians who try to use their religion as an excuse to make laws do not belong in politics. Theocrats are the worst kind of politician, and the Republican party is unfortunately filled with them . The GOP should change its name to the THEOCRATIC PARTY . This is how bad they've become .
America is now the most religiously diverse nation in world history, which followers of just about every religion in existence , as well as millions of atheists and agnostics.
Christians are still the majority numerically , but too many of them have no respect the rights of Non-Christians.
While the vast majority of Christians in America are not evil or dangerous people, a small but vocal minority of them ARE dangerous fanatics who are determined to bring America closer and closer to becoming a Christian theocracy, and they have far too much support in the Republican party .
The Constitution grants every American the right to follow any religion, as well as the right not to follow any religion at all . Christians do not and must not have special rights .
And the Constitution also specifically states that "There shall be no religious test for public office ".
This is NOT an attack on Christians or Christianity , merely a warning about the danger of fanatical Christians to America .