OK, whether you love us or you hate us but you enjoy debating on TheologyOnLine there is an easy way to help this website stay financially sound.
Every now and then click on one of the banners at the top of each page.
These sponsors want to drive traffic to their sites so they pay a small amount each time someone visits them by clicking on their ad.
Don't over do it of course, as we wouldn't want to waste our sponsors advertising dollars however, we do encourage that you click on one or two or three every day or so!
That is an easy way for you to help TOL without spending any of your own money!
We thank all of you for your support!
Every now and then click on one of the banners at the top of each page.
These sponsors want to drive traffic to their sites so they pay a small amount each time someone visits them by clicking on their ad.
Don't over do it of course, as we wouldn't want to waste our sponsors advertising dollars however, we do encourage that you click on one or two or three every day or so!
That is an easy way for you to help TOL without spending any of your own money!
We thank all of you for your support!
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