Americans do not truly believe abortion is murder.


Well-known member
I believe most Americans do not believe abortion is murder. If Americans truly believed abortion is murder, Scott Roeder would not have even been tried, much more convicted of murder. He would be considered a hero like someone who shot and killed a school shooter. But not only is he convicted of murder, the actual baby-killer had a honored position within a Lutheran church.

Many people come up with excuses as to why Scott Roeder did something wrong. But I don't see that he did anything wrong except that he only killed one abortion doctor. The clinic was closed down for 4-years and when it did reopen, it stopped doing late-term abortions. So, in my opinion, Roeder definitely saved lives by shooting the baby-killer.

Scott Roeder did expose the hypocrisy of most people's opposition to abortion. I can find only one moral reason to oppose abortion - it is murder. Yet, I find most Christians oppose abortion like Catholics. They oppose it on the basis that it is interfering with God's will and as a result equate it to being as bad as masturbation. Yet, if people considered abortion to be the murder of children, no one would have complained about Scott Roeder killing the baby-killer.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Well, lets break it down. Roughly half of Americans are pro life and half are not.
Of those who are, I think you are right that they don't have that full sense of "murder" internalized and emotionalized the same as they would if they witnessed a person being murdered on the streets. If they did they would be barging into clinics and taking out the abortionists.

Why they have not fully internalized the fact that abortion is murder I do not know. As for me, I admit that I am sort of bewildered at my own reactions. I DO KNOW its murder, and yet I am not ready to go take out an abortionist while he is in the act because I know that the Law will call ME the murderer.

Does that mean I have no convictions? I have to think about that. I know one thing, I think Scott Reader did a good thing and he should have been pardoned.


Well-known member
Well, lets break it down. Roughly half of Americans are pro life and half are not.
Of those who are, I think you are right that they don't have that full sense of "murder" internalized and emotionalized the same as they would if they witnessed a person being murdered on the streets. If they did they would be barging into clinics and taking out the abortionists.

Why they have not fully internalized the fact that abortion is murder I do not know. As for me, I admit that I am sort of bewildered at my own reactions. I DO KNOW its murder, and yet I am not ready to go take out an abortionist while he is in the act because I know that the Law will call ME the murderer.

Does that mean I have no convictions? I have to think about that. I know one thing, I think Scott Reader did a good thing and he should have been pardoned.
Blowing away the abortionist would cause problems - not only for one's self but many times for their family as well. The governor pardoning the family may catch political flak. However, as an anonymous person on a jury, there is no sacrifice to vote innocent.

12 jury members voted that unborn children were fetus's not to be protected as human beings. There was absolutely no consequence had any one of them voted otherwise. It would have taken only one to hang the jury.

This is what really made me come to realize that the idea of abortion ending in the U.S. was not a short term project and it would take time, effort, and education to change people's mind.

Gary K

New member
Blowing away the abortionist would cause problems - not only for one's self but many times for their family as well. The governor pardoning the family may catch political flak. However, as an anonymous person on a jury, there is no sacrifice to vote innocent.

12 jury members voted that unborn children were fetus's not to be protected as human beings. There was absolutely no consequence had any one of them voted otherwise. It would have taken only one to hang the jury.

This is what really made me come to realize that the idea of abortion ending in the U.S. was not a short term project and it would take time, effort, and education to change people's mind.
I do not believe education will change anyone's moral viewpoints. We have a highly educated society today, and what does this nation have for morals? None to speak of. Corruption is rampant in government. National laws protect abortion. We have rioting in the streets. Government support for all kinds of immoral behavior. The list can be a lot longer but I've demonstrated my point.

What is needed is the new heart that comes from being born again. That is the one thing that guarantees a change of morality at the heart level. Nothing else will change society to the same extent. Nothing.

Taking ethics classes in school means nothing because they don't change a persons heart or their morality. That's been proven over and over again. At the heart of all business and government scandals are people who have taken ethics training classes. Only the Holy Spirit living in the heart can change a person's moral stances and behavior.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
I do not believe education will change anyone's moral viewpoints. We have a highly educated society today, and what does this nation have for morals? None to speak of. Corruption is rampant in government. National laws protect abortion. We have rioting in the streets. Government support for all kinds of immoral behavior. The list can be a lot longer but I've demonstrated my point.

What is needed is the new heart that comes from being born again. That is the one thing that guarantees a change of morality at the heart level. Nothing else will change society to the same extent. Nothing.

Taking ethics classes in school means nothing because they don't change a persons heart or their morality. That's been proven over and over again. At the heart of all business and government scandals are people who have taken ethics training classes. Only the Holy Spirit living in the heart can change a person's moral stances and behavior.

I agree a lot with that. And yet, sometimes intelligence alone can also win the day. There are "Atheists for Life" who are totally against abortion on the grounds of human rights. So education can work.



Well-known member
I do not believe education will change anyone's moral viewpoints. We have a highly educated society today, and what does this nation have for morals? None to speak of. Corruption is rampant in government. National laws protect abortion. We have rioting in the streets. Government support for all kinds of immoral behavior. The list can be a lot longer but I've demonstrated my point.

What is needed is the new heart that comes from being born again. That is the one thing that guarantees a change of morality at the heart level. Nothing else will change society to the same extent. Nothing.

Taking ethics classes in school means nothing because they don't change a persons heart or their morality. That's been proven over and over again. At the heart of all business and government scandals are people who have taken ethics training classes. Only the Holy Spirit living in the heart can change a person's moral stances and behavior.
Education was probably not what I meant. I don't think having a college degree or that sort of "education" will help.

I guess I mean something along the lines of reverse propaganda. People were convinced through propaganda that women had a right to abortion. So propaganda is needed to convince them that it is murder. Slowly change the prevailing attitude about abortion.
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Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
The law is the great teacher. Recriminalizing abortion will teach people that it is wrong.

Many will refuse to be taught, but if it's enforced properly, most will fall in line.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Blowing away the abortionist would cause problems - not only for one's self but many times for their family as well. The governor pardoning the family may catch political flak. However, as an anonymous person on a jury, there is no sacrifice to vote innocent.

12 jury members voted that unborn children were fetus's not to be protected as human beings. There was absolutely no consequence had any one of them voted otherwise. It would have taken only one to hang the jury.

This is what really made me come to realize that the idea of abortion ending in the U.S. was not a short term project and it would take time, effort, and education to change people's mind.

In reality, if Scott Reader killed the abortionist while the abortionist was in the act of doing the abortion, then Reader saved a life.
Perhaps the better thing to do would be to rush in and take the abortionist down by physical force and handcuff him, thus preventing the abortion without killing the man, then call the cops saying you prevented a murder, and finally let the whole thing go to the supreme court. Yes, that is a good plan. We should conscript little SEAL Teams trained to do just that.

The law is the great teacher. Recriminalizing abortion will teach people that it is wrong.

Many will refuse to be taught, but if it's enforced properly, most will fall in line.

Thats right. Its just like murder. Murder can get you the death penalty, and yet some people still do it, but it has to be illegal all the same.
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Well-known member
The law is the great teacher. Recriminalizing abortion will teach people that it is wrong.

Many will refuse to be taught, but if it's enforced properly, most will fall in line.
True. People do definitely respect human law and power over other God's wisdom.

But until even a large minority believe it is murder, it will never become law in a representative government. Of course we could get lucky and U.S. could could overthrow the government and randomly select me as the monarch. Then I could make it law. . .

In many ways, I feel abortion is a reality I can't change. It's a reality because most people in the U.S. do not serve God. I can only hope to influence the opinion of a few around me.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
But until even a large minority believe it is murder, it will never become law in a representative government

Nonsense. First of all, no law was ever passed to legalize it. The whole lousy mess is held up by one lousy SCOTUS decision which can just as easily be overturned as it was decided upon in the first place.

Gary K

New member
Nonsense. First of all, no law was ever passed to legalize it. The whole lousy mess is held up by one lousy SCOTUS decision which can just as easily be overturned as it was decided upon in the first place.
I don't know about this. This SCOTUS, even though it supposedly has conservatives on it, is so afraid of leftist riots, that they won't even take an election fraud case. At least that is what they see as their plausible deniability. Think what kind of civil unrest would result in overturning Roe vs. Wade? This group of cowards isn't about to give a sane ruling on anything associated with abortion.