American Thinker: Mad Max and the Dream-Work of Homosexuality


New member
For those who, like me, love to read, and to think.
This is an exceptional piece; profound and timely:

An excerpt, below:

Like the urge to have intercourse, the urge to resist strange and threatening sexualities does not go away as a result of bans or punishment. Freud and Jung were well aware that the urge resurfaces, recast as something less incriminating.

So what is the primal thought the “dream-work” of Fury Road had to repackage as a seemingly un-bigoted post-apocalyptic film? Here’s a guess: what if the normalization of homosexuality is something sinister, and our most basic instincts encourage us to reject it?

Is there a natural survival instinct – homophobia as natural response, not bigotry – that causes revulsion at the separation of humanity into sex-segregated spheres, just as powerful, perhaps, as the survival instinct that leads us to want to make love to the opposite sex?

What if, stripped of stigmas and prohibitions, a generation of men will decide that the best way to get ahead is to cut women and their demands entirely out of their lives, and join an elite of men who limit female interference only to the need for reproduction?

Maybe our species has been here before. Maybe the ancient prohibitions against sodomy arose because of mistakes made by earlier civilizations – not only the Greeks and Romans, but even, perhaps, the pagan cultures that appear so undignified in the Old Testament.

I recently conversed with an exceedingly wise Jewish theologian who told me why homosexuality seems to cause so much more controversy than other sins. According to him, homosexuality is unique among carnal sins, because it is social as well as carnal. It entails not merely a departure from the purpose of our flesh, but also a reorganization of the social realm that fosters a self-destructive tendency in subcultures cut off from the insights of the opposite sex.

There might be no way to protect gay men from stigmas without giving a green light to the all-male networks of power and political control that seem to blossom wherever men find ways to get professional allegiance, social affirmation, emotional support, sexual gratification, and patrilineal legacies strictly from other men without women.

Let us say, for argument’s sake, that anal sex alone is not enough to bring down a civilization. The problem is that where sodomy flourishes unchecked, society becomes reordered. Men who replace procreative sex with anal sex seem given to replacing women everywhere in their lives. If so, then it is logical to imagine that such a wholesale dismissal of women’s necessity will lead to the dehumanization of women, oppression of women, and eventually, marginalization of men who give women a central place in their lives. The “heteropatriarchy” so often maligned by radical leftists is destined to become the 99% against a gay male 1%, if there is nothing about homosexuality that anybody can stigmatize, criticize, or place limits on.

This is what we see in Mad Max: Fury Road. You can censor the doubts of mankind, but they will find some “dream-work” allowing anxieties and misgivings to come up for air.


What if, stripped of stigmas and prohibitions, a generation of men will decide that the best way to get ahead is to cut women and their demands entirely out of their lives, and join an elite of men who limit female interference only to the need for reproduction?

The NFL?

Sunday Ticket! :banana:


New member
Hall of Fame
I really think the author's reaching and missed the point of the film (beyond sheer entertainment). It was an indictment on macho death-seeking violence and a slap in the face of those who'd subjugate women and treat them and their bodies as property.


New member
I really think the author's reaching and missed the point of the film (beyond sheer entertainment). It was an indictment on macho death-seeking violence and a slap in the face of those who'd subjugate women and treat them and their bodies as property.
OK, you may be right. I haven't seen the film, so I had to take his analysis at face value.


New member
Gays and women have both gained rights in the same 100 year span. This seems to be the opposite of what the author wants us to notice.


New member
This Robert Lopez manages to vilify and dehumanize a minority by reducing an entire group of human beings to a sex act and suggest these 'sinister' and dangerous people (well not really people) who want to bring about the end of the world...and then he tries to claim that he isn't REALLY a bigot.


New member
You'd think a magazine with that title would encourage its readers to do some thinking on their own.
I do in fact do my own thinking. I was a philosophy major and graduate student. I am not towing any party line, and am quite conflicted.


New member
Hall of Fame
I do in fact do my own thinking. I was a philosophy major and graduate student. I am not towing any party line, and am quite conflicted.

Just see the bloody movie, all right? Make up your own mind. Yeeesh.

P.S. It's a blast, literally and figuratively.:devil:


New member
This Robert Lopez manages to vilify and dehumanize a minority by reducing an entire group of human beings to a sex act and suggest these 'sinister' and dangerous people (well not really people) who want to bring about the end of the world...and then he tries to claim that he isn't REALLY a bigot.
I think he thinks gay men are superior; elites which might turn all upside down.