American RTL and Focus in WND

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American RTL and Focus in WND

This is the show from Tuesday June 17th, 2008.

The DNC is coming to Denver in August. ...A half a block away from the convention center, sadly there's an "adult," well, a strip joint and American Right To LIfe is holding a Clinton watch at the strip joints. And they're going to put photographs of all the Democrats going in on their website at


* Jesse Lee Peterson on BEL: Long-time friend of Bob Enyart Live, Jesse Lee Peterson, joins Bob to reminisce, to encourage support for Colorado's personhood amendment, and to talk about the best ways to welcome the DNC in Denver!

* Another TOP Story on WND: for the second week in a row, Colorado's battle against the new Expansion of Prohibition law SB200 is the top story at WorldNetDaily, Criminal crackdown targeting Christians. "Getting beyond the bathroom and locker room issue, the biggest danger this law poses is to the religious or moral consciences of small business owners..." Bruce Hausknecht, a spokesman with Focus on the Family, told WND." There are groups who fear the law will do far more than that. The article went on to quote a friend of BEL.

"American RTL Action is a political 527 group headquartered a half-block from the Colorado capitol, and we're not going to hire someone cohabitating outside of marriage, let alone a homosexual," said Steve Curtis, the group's president and former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party. "SB200 also makes it a crime for us to publish biblical teaching on immorality, so we are prepared to violate this anti-Christian government censorship. The liberals always said what homosexuals do in private could never affect anyone else; of course that was always a lie; they're trying to criminalize traditional Christianity. The fight is on."

WND then presented the Focus on the Family analysis from Hausknecht that "such a dire view of a ban on even publishing biblical teachings may not be supported clearly by the law," because Focus on the Family and other similar ministries "probably would not be covered under a 'public accommodations' section defining those as 'any inn, tavern, or hotel, ... for the benefit, use, or accommodation of those seeking health, recreation, or rest, and any restaurant, eating house...'" However, BEL views that definition as misleading to Christians "tavern... eating house," and further, we cannot confirm that this definition, provided by Focus to WND, even appears in the final bill (see SB200's legislative history).

Rather, what appears in the bill (originally as Section 6, but in the final enacted version) is the following section 8, showing that this anti-Christian government censorship goes far beyond crude posters in a tavern, but the wording of the law shows that it reaches far beyond a particular place of public accommodation and forbids much Christian teaching on homosexuality and cohabitation including by publishing, circulating, distributing, any communication, pamphlet, writing, and advertisement. From the law itself (square brackets added):

Section 8. 24-34-701. "Publishing of discriminative matter forbidden. No person, being the owner, lessee, proprietor, manager, superintendent, agent, or employee of [associated with] any place of public accommodation... shall publish, issue, circulate, send, distribute, give away, or display in any way, manner, or shape or by any means or method, except as provided in this section [must refer to the 'unwelcomed' clause below], any communication, paper, poster, folder, manuscript, book, pamphlet, writing, print, letter, notice, or advertisement of any kind, nature, or description THAT is intended or calculated to discriminate or actually discriminates against... SEXUAL ORIENTATION, marital status... in the matter of furnishing or neglecting or refusing to furnish to them or any one of them any lodging, housing, schooling, or tuition or any accommodation, right [like marriage], privilege [like adoption], advantage, or convenience... on account of... SEXUAL ORIENTATION, marital status... [which] is unwelcome or objectionable or not acceptable, desired, or solicited."

* Illegal BEL Flyer: Bob has been distributing an illegal Christian flyer, at Denver's People's Fair and at the Colorado State Capitol giving copies of the contraband to Governor Bill Ritter's staff and to officials with the Colorado State Police. (You can download the Illegal Enyart Flyer here.).

* Please Send Seven Sheets to ARTL: Please help American RTL welcome the DNC to Denver this summer! They need 100 people to send them seven sheets each for a top secret project called the Sheets of Shame! Can you send any sheets? If you can't send seven, can you send one or two? Can you go to a second hand store? Can you call a hotel, hospital, nursing home, motel, jail, or ask some friends? To do a proper greeting, here's what...

ARTL's DNC Welcoming Committee needs:
-What: Sheets and more sheets
- Quantity: 700 sheets
- Color: white or light colored
- Style: flat, preferably; but fitted sheets ok
- Size: queen, preferably; but others ok, especially king
- Info: or 1-888-888-ARTL
Please bring or mail your sheets to:
American RTL
1535 Grant St #303
Denver CO 80203

* Candidate Questionnaire Replies Online: check out the seven vital questions and the fascinating 2008 candidate replies at Colorado RTL!

* Please Help Bob with a Personhood Project: If you can, please volunteer to help Bob on one of these projects:
- Team131: if you're able to spend at least five hours at your PC helping with a vital online project!
- Travel: if you can travel outside the state, in June, July, or August, for a few days and cover your own expenses, Bob will be traveling on very important out-of-state missions in support of Colorado's personhood amendment effort! Would you like to go? If so, please let ARTL know at 1-888-888-ARTL!

- Metro Team: if you're able to come out occasionally for an important project in the Denver area, please let Donna at CRTL know!

* Drive Denver's Truth Truck: Colorado Right To Life's Truth Truck coordinator, Vick Lopez, called into BEL to ask if you (yes, you!) can volunteer to drive. Please call CRTL at 303 753-9394 if you think you can drive their standard transmission Truth Truck on a two-hour route once every week or two!

Today's Resource: Have you heard about our new Bible Study of the entire Book of Judges, that presents the biblical teaching on treaties, the judiciary, and the best form of government, coming out soon on CD? Call to order Judges at 1-800-8Enyart and check out our many Bible Study resources!
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