America Is A Religiously Diverse Country - Get Over It !

The Horn

Christians are always talking about how America is supposedly a "Christian nation " founded on Judeo- Christian prinicples " (whatever those are ) and how important it supposedly is to govern America according to the prinicples of Christianity .
But America is a "Christian nation " only in the sense that the majority of Americans happen to be Christian .
In fact, America was founded on the principle of religious freedom for all citizens, no matter what faith they subscribe to .
Of course, at the time of our founding , there were no Jews or followers of other faiths , but you have to realize that things have changed vastly .
According to the founding fathers, many of whom were either deists or at best lukewarm Christians , every American has the right to follow any religion , or no religion at all . George Washington was bold indeed to welcome Jews in America and declared that our government would give " to bigotry no sacntion ".
And now there are millions of Americans who are Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists as well as followers of just about every religion in existence . A get this - there are now more ATHEISTS in America then there were people at the time of our founding . Not to mention all the agnostics .
So Christians need to learn to get along with followers of other religions and just live and let live . There's nothing wrong with being a Christian , but we must never allow Non-Christians to become second class citizens .
More and more Americans no longer follow any religion at all . They're not necessarily atheists , but they don't subscribe to any religion . We're all in it together ,folks . Can't we all just get along ?