America’s Angriest White Men


New member
I recently read an article detailing a specific case of a Muslim family's children being seduced by ISIS into abandoning everything and trying to head to the Middle East.

The rhetoric used by the Muslim fanatics running ISIS' social media components is the EXACT SAME rhetoric used by white American rightwing militia groups posing as followers of Christ and advocating the violent overthrow of the federal government, re-repression of women and minorities, and execution or exile of gay people or liberals or anyone else who happens to think differently...while singing the praises of the very system which has brought them so low as to turn violent in the first place.

America’s angriest white men: Up close with racism, rage and Southern supremacy

Rural or small town, urban or suburban, the extreme Right is populated by downwardly mobile, lower-middle-class white men. All of the men I interviewed—all—fitted this class profile. When I compared with other ethnographies and other surveys, they all had the same profile as well.

In the United States, class is often a proxy for race. When politicians speak of the “urban poor,” we know it’s a code for black people. When they talk about “welfare queens,” we know the race of that woman driving the late-model Cadillac. In polite society, racism remains hidden behind a screen spelled CLASS.

On the extreme Right, by contrast, race is a proxy for class. Among the white supremacists, when they speak of race consciousness, defending white people, protesting for equal rights for white people, they actually don’t mean all white people. They don’t mean Wall Street bankers and lawyers, though they are pretty much entirely white and male. They don’t mean white male doctors, or lawyers, or architects, or even engineers. They don’t mean the legions of young white hipster guys, or computer geeks flocking to the Silicon Valley, or the legions of white preppies in their boat shoes and seersucker jackets “interning” at white-shoe law firms in major cities. Not at all. They mean middle-and working-class white people. Race consciousness is actually class consciousness without actually having to “see” class. “Race blindness” leads working-class people to turn right; if they did see class, they’d turn left and make common cause with different races in the same economic class.

So, who are they really, these hundred thousand white supremacists? They’re every white guy who believed that this land was his land, was made for you and me. They’re every down-on-his-luck guy who just wanted to live a decent life but got stepped on, every character in a Bruce Springsteen or Merle Haggard song, every cop, soldier, auto mechanic, steelworker, and construction worker in America’s small towns who can’t make ends meet and wonders why everyone else is getting a break except him. But instead of becoming Tom Joad, they take a hard right turn, ultimately supporting the very people who have dispossessed them.

The Berean

Well-known member
:mock:angry white men
A classic and great film!!!


The Berean

Well-known member
I recently read an article detailing a specific case of a Muslim family's children being seduced by ISIS into abandoning everything and trying to head to the Middle East.

The rhetoric used by the Muslim fanatics running ISIS' social media components is the EXACT SAME rhetoric used by white American rightwing militia groups posing as followers of Christ and advocating the violent overthrow of the federal government, re-repression of women and minorities, and execution or exile of gay people or liberals or anyone else who happens to think differently...while singing the praises of the very system which has brought them so low as to turn violent in the first place.

America’s angriest white men: Up close with racism, rage and Southern supremacy

Racial separatism is still a major goal for many people even today. Lets not kid ourselves this has never left us and probably never will. If one doubts this go to websites like "Stormfront" or "Caste Football". It's easy to dismiss them as ignorant rednecks but in reality they are a diverse group with many of them being quite educated and intelligent. They just truly believe that the "cultural Marxists" (a popular term they use) are trying to destroy the white man's culture. They pour their ire onto black people because of the high crime rates and poor education rates of black people and the view that despite decades of government money and affirmative action black people are still lazy, ignorant, and criminal. The white separatist movement is so bizarre to me and I find it amazing that there are large numbers of people who believe this in the 21st century.


Racial separatism is still a major goal for many people even today. Lets not kid ourselves this has never left us and probably never will. If one doubts this go to websites like "Stormfront" or "Caste Football". It's easy to dismiss them as ignorant rednecks but in reality they are a diverse group with many of them being quite educated and intelligent. They just truly believe that the "cultural Marxists" (a popular term they use) are trying to destroy the white man's culture. They pour their ire onto black people because of the high crime rates and poor education rates of black people and the view that despite decades of government money and affirmative action black people are still lazy, ignorant, and criminal. The white separatist movement is so bizarre to me and I find it amazing that there are large numbers of people who believe this in the 21st century.

there's an awful lot of evil people in the world :idunno:


Well-known member
Racial separatism is still a major goal for many people even today. Lets not kid ourselves this has never left us and probably never will. If one doubts this go to websites like "Stormfront" or "Caste Football". It's easy to dismiss them as ignorant rednecks but in reality they are a diverse group with many of them being quite educated and intelligent. They just truly believe that the "cultural Marxists" (a popular term they use) are trying to destroy the white man's culture. They pour their ire onto black people because of the high crime rates and poor education rates of black people and the view that despite decades of government money and affirmative action black people are still lazy, ignorant, and criminal. The white separatist movement is so bizarre to me and I find it amazing that there are large numbers of people who believe this in the 21st century.

Just another excuse for the jb's to loot liquor stores.

Nothing to see here folks, move along.

No need to go to Stormfront.


New member
Hall of Fame
Racial separatism is still a major goal for many people even today. Lets not kid ourselves this has never left us and probably never will. If one doubts this go to websites like "Stormfront" or "Caste Football".

Never heard of that one.

But i agree one can find racist separatists in all flavors - not just white.


Well-known member
Racial separatism is still a major goal for many people even today. Lets not kid ourselves this has never left us and probably never will. If one doubts this go to websites like "Stormfront" or "Caste Football". It's easy to dismiss them as ignorant rednecks but in reality they are a diverse group with many of them being quite educated and intelligent. They just truly believe that the "cultural Marxists" (a popular term they use) are trying to destroy the white man's culture. They pour their ire onto black people because of the high crime rates and poor education rates of black people and the view that despite decades of government money and affirmative action black people are still lazy, ignorant, and criminal. The white separatist movement is so bizarre to me and I find it amazing that there are large numbers of people who believe this in the 21st century.
I have seen for myself, in any number of instances in my life, how some men react to being humiliated and belittled by a system that they can't fight. I have seen how they look for someone weaker than they are; someone even more powerless, and abuse them until they feel better about themselves. It's a kind of knee-jerk visceral reaction to having their self-esteem deflated: pumping it back up by humiliating someone else.

This is the engine that propels racial bigotry because the article is right, in that race and economic class are both intrinsically tied to our social 'pecking order'.

The Berean

Well-known member
Never heard of that one.
I actually stumbled upon Caste Football a few years back looking for some information on running back Toby Gerhart. It's a sports forum who goal is to "promote white athletes and expose the lie that black athletes are superior athletes to whites." (their words)

But i agree one can find racist separatists in all flavors - not just white.

Absolutely. The Nation of Islam is an famous example of black separatists. I don't know about today but back in the 1950's-60's their ultimate goal was complete separation between black ans white people.


Absolutely. The Nation of Islam is an famous example of black separatists. I don't know about today but back in the 1950's-60's their ultimate goal was complete separation between black ans white people.

i wonder what they'd make of an oreo like bammy


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Not all Islamists are black either.