Amendment 62 Continues Long Road to Victory

Nathon Detroit


Colorado's Personhood Amendment, Amendment 62, showed a gain over the 2008 attempt, and organizers are already mounting a campaign to try again.

The opposition to Amendment 62 was funded primarily by billion dollar abortion profiteer Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood's No on 62 campaign and abortionist Richard Grossman used outright lies to scare women, including claiming that women's eggs would have rights.

"Planned Parenthood has been fighting against us to protect their profit, we are fighting for Personhood to protect innocent lives," pointed out Leslie Hanks, co-sponsor of Amendment 62. "We look at this gain over 2008 as a victory - despite terrible adversity, and outrageous lies against us, we still gained in the polls, and babies' lived were saved. Each of those lives saved is priceless."

Out of several dozen pro-life initiatives, only two were ever attempted more than once, including Colorado's Personhood amendments. In only two years the Personhood movement has exploded nationwide, saving babies and changing hearts and minds through education and outreach, even while a continual effort is made to Constitutionally recognize the Personhood rights of every innocent human being, state by state.

From 1890 to 1918, women in South Dakota attempted many times to gain the right to vote. Their constitutional amendments failed to pass six times before they succeeded. Movements take time to build, but that persistence in the initiative process pays out huge dividends.

"We take from this example that we must not, and will not, ever stop trying to protect every human being in the state of Colorado. We will continue until we succeed," stated Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of Amendment 62. "The truth of the baby's God-given right to life is growing in Colorado. We will never give up, no matter how long it takes."

Personhood Colorado is determined to make another personhood attempt in the near future. "Matthew 25:45 says, 'I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me,' " added Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. "The 'least of these', the smallest and most defenseless among us, are the only human beings in our country who are considered to be non-persons - they are treated like property. When the personhood amendment returns to Colorado, we will continue to defend the innocent, fighting the lies of Planned Parenthood, who profits from the killing of innocent human beings."

Jennifer Mason
Communications Director
Amendment 62 / Personhood Colorado / Personhood USA


Well-known member
Loved this quote:
"Planned Parenthood has been fighting against us to protect their profit, we are fighting for Personhood to protect innocent lives," pointed out Leslie Hanks, co-sponsor of Amendment 62. "We look at this gain over 2008 as a victory - despite terrible adversity, and outrageous lies against us, we still gained in the polls, and babies' lived were saved. Each of those lives saved is priceless."

So correct:
Fighting for the life of the innocent ... now that's right.

The pro-infantile death for any reason followers fight to protect their agenda of profit. How extremely perverted is their logic and how blind are their excuses!

There are many followers of Christ with their heads in the sand as well... or so luke-warm they won't get out of the tub to do anything.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what happens when the U.S. Supreme Court finds it unconstitutional?

has this been addressed anywhere?

do you have a link to it?


Well-known member
what happens when the U.S. Supreme Court finds it unconstitutional?

has this been addressed anywhere?

do you have a link to it?

When things go to the supreme court I become nervous. One never knows what they think... it is politically incorrect for them to reveal any of their moral opinions openly.

It's like a Russian rue-let (sp?) contest. I'm not sure that any president has a clear idea just how one of them thinks when he appoints them!

That's why our people need to demand that the other branches of government kick some of them off the bench. I've been told that it is possible to do, because the process is built in to the operations between the 3 branches.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
We do need to throw out some of those judges. They practice judicial activism which is hurting this country.


New member
We do need to throw out some of those judges. They practice judicial activism which is hurting this country.

Like the Citizens United decision? That type of judical activism that effectively said big corporations have the same First Amendment free speech rights that you do?