Alan Keyes & BEL Simulcast with Stu Epperson

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Alan Keyes & BEL Simulcast with Stu Epperson

This is the show from Monday August 25th, 2008.


Bob Enyart: Alan, you just asked, "How far have we come when people will question Christian protests."

Alan Keyes:I don't understand that. Are we so oblivious to the real history of our country and the history of Christian people in our country that we do not realize that almost every major justice movement in America, every single one of them that moved against slavery, that moved to establish protection for children in the work place and prevent the exploitation of minors, that moved for women's rights, that moved for all of these things including the civil rights movement, every single one of them had at their leadership positions and in their motive power the leadership of Christian people of faith. Don't we know this? How do we ask this question now? It shows what, I think, the phoney, counterfeit, fraudulent leadership of the so-called moral movement in America now is all about. They are actually persuading people, by some means, that Christians ought to be passive, that we ought to sit on our hands, that we are to, somehow or another, do nothing and that prayer means what we say with our lips, not what we do with our lives.


* Presidential Candidate Keyes in Studio: Alan Keyes, straight from American RTL's Power in the Park event, joins Bob Enyart live in studio in Denver during the DNC as they simulcast this debate with callers on Stu Epperson's radio program in thirty cities nationwide!

Today's Resource: Have you read Bob Enyart's book, The Plot? After a decade of sales of thousands of copies of Bob's unbound, best-selling manuscript, now The Plot is available as a bound book through the Literature Department of our online!
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