Against Democracy: The Biblical Argument


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Against Democracy: The Biblical Argument

This is the show from Tuesday December 23rd, 2014


Biblical Argument Against Democracy: With democracy itself threatening the eventual destruction of the State of Israel, Bob Enyart presents biblical arguments against the so-called right to vote...
- The majority is evil Mat. 7.
- "...wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and... many... go in by it." Matthew 7:13
- "...narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." Mat.7:14
- Since the majority is evil, majority rule is guaranteed, over time, to be evil.
- So majority rule, on average, hastens government's descent into wickedness.
- Since the majority is evil, once a democratic government becomes evil, virtually nothing can restore it.
- While individuals often repent and turn toward God, the masses rarely do, especially not of their own leading.
- As in the modern vernacular, the Bible calls governing officials "authorities."Rom. 13 Titus 3 Luke 12 Acts 16
- Government authority does not imply majority rule, but rule over the majority.Rom. 13
- Democracy promotes arrogance, suggesting to people that the governing leaders should obey them.
- Democracy: people obey the gov't, which obeys the people, who obey the gov't, which obey the people, etc.
- Circular authority suffers from the same weakness as circular reasoning: both lack a valid foundation.
- Democracy promotes arrogance suggesting to people that they should be able to lord it over their neighbors.
- As it has been said, Better to live under one tyrant 3,000 miles away, than 3,000 tyrants one mile away.
- True authority, like water, flows downhill not up, not from the people to rulers but from rulers down. Num. 27
- Authority flows from God, through government, to men and passes through parents to reach children.
- "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities..."
- For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
- "Governing authorities" are from God and each official should act as "God's minister" Rom. 13.
- God has appointed all authority structures¾of parents, ministers, and governing officials.
- v. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and... will bring judgment on themselves.
- v. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good.
- God never established governance by committee, but governance by individuals.
- The desire to rule over others (Mat. 20, Mark 10) lurks among the vulgar lusts (Mat. 20; Mark 9; 10).
- Democracy exalts the vice of brazen self-promotion to the center of public life.
- In denial of Scripture, leftists believe men are basically good and so support rule by the people.
- Leftists inflate individual authority to release men from the restraint of government, church, and family.
- Man's inherent sinfulness indicates that democracy will systematically worsen government.
- Unlike majorities, even wicked individuals, i.e. Pilate, may decide justly, for their own reputation's sake.
- Voting negatives: Num. 27 & rep. Of the people, Numbers, rebellion of Korah...
- Elections "by smooth words and [with] flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple." Rom. 16
- Acluin's Letter to Charlemagne 800 AD foolishly states "the voice of the people is the voice of God."
- President Millard Fillmore rightly said, "May God save the country, for it is obvious the people will not."
- The forces of Hell love democracy, including Hillary, Homosexuals, Humanists, and Hollywood.
- Because the majority is evil Mat. 7, democracy, that is, majority rule is inherently an evil government system.
- In a monarchy the king is likely to be corrupt, but he does not legalize his behavior.
- In a democracy everyone is made king, and laws are changed to permit wicked behavior.
- Since the majority is evil Mat. 7, democracy, that is, majority rule is inherently an evil government system.
In addition to the above biblical arguments, there are also political arguments against democracy (and against representative republics) which we hope to present on BEL sometime in 2015. :)

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? You just may love our classic seminar, God's Criminal Justice System, and these powerful DVDs: God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs, and then there is the groundbreaking Focus on the Strategy trilogy! And also, at this anniversary of the JonBenet murder, you may want to review "The Clue that Breaks the Case" at

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Again Bob shows why he is a moron.

To quote winston churchill.

Indeed it has been said that democ*racy is the worst form of Gov*ern*ment except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
The judges model seems to be Gods preferred model but he seems more concerned with the quality of the leadership then the model of leadership.

God makes it very clear what he thinks of monarchy in Samuel.

Not exactly accurate. The best government was pre to mid 1 Samuel

Stone Mason

New member
I don't know of any government that is a pure democracy. In a pure democracy everyone votes on every topic. You only have to read through any forum to know that is not optimal, we have way to many people that should never be allowed to vote. Meritocracies have a lot going for them but there has to be some way for all voices in society. Like all forms of government where power is concentrated into the hands of a few, those few are subject to the temptation of personal enrichment at the cost of the overall improvement to society. So a variant of a Meritocracy where you gain more votes for more meritorious acts makes the most sense to me. For instance, when you hit 18 and you graduated from highschool you get the right to vote at 1 vote per person. If you pass a standardized IQ test above average you gain another 1 vote, in the top 25% you get another vote, in the top 10% another vote in the top 5% another vote and in the top 1% another vote. If you are in the military or are honorably discharged you pick up another vote. If you are a parent of a child that has started school or graduated from school you get another vote.

The net result of that kind of a system is that people that are smart, experiences and serve get more votes because they can make better decisions, but everyone still gets a voice and still can vote, which helps to be a check on elitism.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Oh goodie, I get to poke fun at a friend

Oh goodie, I get to poke fun at a friend

...we have way to many people that should never be allowed to vote.

That's, "...way too many people..."

You just lost a vote.

The net result of that kind of a system is that people that are smart...

That's, "...people who are smart..."

You just lost another vote.

...experiences and serve get more votes...

That's, "...experienced and serve get more votes..."

Strike three. You don't get to vote at all.

Stone Mason

New member
Lol. :)
Well not to cast stones but....
From your opening post:
"Biblical Argument Against Democracy: "
That should be
Biblical Argument against Democracy:

...the Bible calls governing officials "authorities."Rom. 13 Titus 3 Luke 12 Acts 16...
should be
...the Bible calls governing officials "authorities. "Rom. 13 Titus 3 Luke 12 Acts 16...
And of course the same punctuation problem a second time
...but rule over the majority.Rom. 13
should be
but rule over the majority. Rom. 13

I guess neither one of us gets to vote!

Oh, BTW, That is part of the reason why you just gain votes, and don't lose votes, so that everyone still gets a chance for at least one vote to make sure that their voice is heard.


New member
Hall of Fame
Do you support liberty? Please just answer yes or no.

Nick, I honestly have no idea what you even mean by the word. I suspect our definitions would be pretty different. The answer's "yes," but it's not the gotcha question you think it is.

Hope you had a great Christmas.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Nick, I honestly have no idea what you even mean by the word.

I honesty don't believe you. From And of course liberty ends when people are hurt. Like OJ's liberty was supposed to end when he murdered two people.

1. freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.

2. freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.

3. freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice.

Do you believe in liberty? I think you oppose it and support a majority opinion (democracy) defining right and wrong so you can take away liberty. Ask a black man if majority rule has been a good thing throughout history.


New member
Hall of Fame
I honesty don't believe you.

Well that might be part of the problem there, pal.:chuckle:

When one guy just assumes the other's lying there's pretty much no point in having a discussion.

And of course liberty ends when people are hurt. Like OJ's liberty was supposed to end when he murdered two people.

We can parse the criminal justice system all day long. And I'm familiar with the dictionary definition of the word "liberty."

What we both see as an ideal exercise of liberty in any given situation would, I'm confident, differ. When it comes to social issues what I see as a person's "liberty" you'd see as "sin," or some such, or a crime (punishable probably by death; seems to be your preferred go-to when it comes to crime and punishment).

This is what it boils down to: We both think of liberty under different terms, standards of acceptability, and situations. So when I ask you if you believe in "liberty," I believe you're answering honestly, but I simply disagree with how you'd expect others to live under "liberty" as you'd define and enforce it.

So, to wrap up: If you just assume I'm lying, maybe we should just stick to talking football.

Happy new year.
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Well-known member
Against Democracy: The Biblical Argument

This is the show from Tuesday December 23rd, 2014


Biblical Argument Against Democracy: With democracy itself threatening the eventual destruction of the State of Israel, Bob Enyart presents biblical arguments against the so-called right to vote...
- The majority is evil Mat. 7.
- "...wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and... many... go in by it." Matthew 7:13
- "...narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." Mat.7:14
- Since the majority is evil, majority rule is guaranteed, over time, to be evil.
- So majority rule, on average, hastens government's descent into wickedness.
- Since the majority is evil, once a democratic government becomes evil, virtually nothing can restore it.
- While individuals often repent and turn toward God, the masses rarely do, especially not of their own leading.
- As in the modern vernacular, the Bible calls governing officials "authorities."Rom. 13 Titus 3 Luke 12 Acts 16
- Government authority does not imply majority rule, but rule over the majority.Rom. 13
- Democracy promotes arrogance, suggesting to people that the governing leaders should obey them.
- Democracy: people obey the gov't, which obeys the people, who obey the gov't, which obey the people, etc.
- Circular authority suffers from the same weakness as circular reasoning: both lack a valid foundation.
- Democracy promotes arrogance suggesting to people that they should be able to lord it over their neighbors.
- As it has been said, Better to live under one tyrant 3,000 miles away, than 3,000 tyrants one mile away.
- True authority, like water, flows downhill not up, not from the people to rulers but from rulers down. Num. 27
- Authority flows from God, through government, to men and passes through parents to reach children.
- "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities..."
- For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
- "Governing authorities" are from God and each official should act as "God's minister" Rom. 13.
- God has appointed all authority structures¾of parents, ministers, and governing officials.
- v. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and... will bring judgment on themselves.
- v. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good.
- God never established governance by committee, but governance by individuals.
- The desire to rule over others (Mat. 20, Mark 10) lurks among the vulgar lusts (Mat. 20; Mark 9; 10).
- Democracy exalts the vice of brazen self-promotion to the center of public life.
- In denial of Scripture, leftists believe men are basically good and so support rule by the people.
- Leftists inflate individual authority to release men from the restraint of government, church, and family.
- Man's inherent sinfulness indicates that democracy will systematically worsen government.
- Unlike majorities, even wicked individuals, i.e. Pilate, may decide justly, for their own reputation's sake.
- Voting negatives: Num. 27 & rep. Of the people, Numbers, rebellion of Korah...
- Elections "by smooth words and [with] flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple." Rom. 16
- Acluin's Letter to Charlemagne 800 AD foolishly states "the voice of the people is the voice of God."
- President Millard Fillmore rightly said, "May God save the country, for it is obvious the people will not."
- The forces of Hell love democracy, including Hillary, Homosexuals, Humanists, and Hollywood.
- Because the majority is evil Mat. 7, democracy, that is, majority rule is inherently an evil government system.
- In a monarchy the king is likely to be corrupt, but he does not legalize his behavior.
- In a democracy everyone is made king, and laws are changed to permit wicked behavior.
- Since the majority is evil Mat. 7, democracy, that is, majority rule is inherently an evil government system.
In addition to the above biblical arguments, there are also political arguments against democracy (and against representative republics) which we hope to present on BEL sometime in 2015. :)

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? You just may love our classic seminar, God's Criminal Justice System, and these powerful DVDs: God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs, and then there is the groundbreaking Focus on the Strategy trilogy! And also, at this anniversary of the JonBenet murder, you may want to review "The Clue that Breaks the Case" at

It is a good thing that we have a republican form of government