Advocating for God's Law as the Law of the United States of America.


I believe that God's Law has had a place in the Law of the United States of America. We should discuss that. I am naive about the facts.

However, I would like to propose that the Law of the United States of America needs to be God's Law.

That said, I am a New Covenant believer. This includes God's law, but the New Covenant is not like the Old.

Since we have forgiveness in Jesus, should the Law of Moses have import in American Law?

Should those who commit crimes according to God's Law be punished in this day and age?



It is by God's Law that we know the difference between right and wrong, obedience and disobedience. It is from God's Law that we know of sin and transgression.


Different statements.

There are some different things that we can say.

We can start with God's Law is eternal. Meaning it has not changed and it will not change.

Then the Law has not been abolished. Jesus said that He did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets but to fulfill. We might have to contend with Ephesians 2 where we learn that the enmity, that is, the Law of Commandments contained in ordinances, has been abolished (the making of one new man).

We can talk about the presence of God's Law in America, the United States of America.

We can talk about how the Law always has been but it has or has not been enforced fully in the United States of America.

We can talk about what should be rather than what already is. The Law already is but we may need to advocate for it whether because people have become lax about it or not.


I suppose we can talk about how it would be made law. Legislation comes to mind. I am a United States Citizen.