Adam gave Himself:


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All you teachers, preachers, pastors, scholars, and philosophers of god; YOU FOOLS! – The first “MAN” Adam / Savior did sin, however, in that sin, Adam the Savior, took upon himself the sin of his wife Eve; the mother of all carnal living. Adam saved his wife from death that day. – Adam / Savior was the first and only Son of God. There has NEVER BEEN two, one and only begotten SONS OF GOD. – The second “MAN” Adam / Jesus did the same thing again. The second “MAN” Adam / Jesus, took upon himself the sins of his wife the Church, and also suffered the curse of death, but not eternal death. - Jesus, the second “MAN” Adam DIED for the Church, his Bride his Wife, the Mother of us all / Christians. – The curse of the first “MAN ADAM” was death, the day he ate of the tree. The curse of the second “MAN ADAM” was when he ate of the GOOD FRUIT OF THAT SAME TREE. – It was the Jesus / the Second “MAN ADAM” / the “Gospel”/ the SEED, who was placed at the east of the Garden to keep the “WAY” of the Tree of Life, and Jesus died on the fruitless tree / the cross, and became the FRUIT of all the good that he ATE. – Jesus ate of the seeds of all the good fruit, and he became the SEED of LIFE, the “GOSPEL”. – YOU FOOLS! – What do all you totally faithless wonders think it’s all about anyhow? – By grace Adam so loved his wife that he gave his own life to save his wife Eve, and for this cause; by grace God only put Adam and Eve out of the Garden and they were ONLY DENIED eternal LIFE, not their carnal life. Adam lived another nine hundred and thirty years. – You fools can’t count! – There was NO eternal life before or after that, other than GOD; - who is that life, and the second “MAN ADAM” died that we may freely eat of him who is all the good fruits of the Tree of Life / the CROSS.

NOW! – All you foolish and unlearned deniers of CHRIST, PROVE ME WRONG with the Scriptures, or stay hidden with your heads buried in the dirt of your earth.

Paul – 041311

some other dude

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