ECT Abaddon


New member
Who or what is Abaddon?

Is it of GOD; doing the will there of? What is it set to destroy?

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Who or what is Abaddon?

Is it of GOD; doing the will there of? What is it set to destroy?

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when you close your eyes off from evil deeds or cannot see it, you are abandoning your responsibility.

God gave us open eyes to discern fake from true.

good thread.


New member
when you close your eyes off from evil deeds or cannot see it, you are abandoning your responsibility.

God gave us open eyes to discern fake from true.

good thread.
What did I turn a blind eye to?

What have I not seen?

Do not conflate a temporary lapse of response to minor issues for a lack of vision or compassion or indifference. There is a time and place for everything.

What are your thoughts on Abaddon please.


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What did I turn a blind eye to?

You did not or could not see those accusers were saying.

You could not see what they were doing was hateful.

Ok, you did not abandon willfully but you were enabling those evil doers by closing your eyes or inability to see evil deeds.

I can understand if accuser is doing it only one time but when it repeated over and over, it is obvious evil.

That's why I explained again my situation about my editing but you sill could not see.

If you trusted my explanation, you will respond like Mary did. She can see clearly what is going on in this site but you cannot.

peace and blessings to you too.


I think we should take our conversation to your thread so we don't hijack the thread, pops.



New member
You did not or could not see those accusers were saying.

You could not see what they were doing was hateful.

Ok, you did not abandon willfully but you were enabling those evil doers by closing your eyes or inability to see evil deeds.

I can understand if accuser is doing it only one time but when it repeated over and over, it is obvious evil.

That's why I explained again my situation about my editing but you sill could not see.

If you trusted my explanation, you will respond like Mary did. She can see clearly what is going on in this site but you cannot.

peace and blessings to you too.
Why are you still dragging this on?

It is you who has obviously missed something.

As if I did not state that you are not in any wrong that I can see on that particular subject. As if I did not conclude something similar to Ms. Mary; and too state such. As if one must wholly concure with the opinion of another on a personal matter not to do with them that they only witnessed part of in order for the matter to be concluded.

Seems to me in my biased sight that you are being contentious and your actual motives for such may not be that I didn't agree that you aren't lying and that using the help of another to convey a message in a form that can be readily understood is definitely not a bad thing. You seem bent on the fact that you asked for division and the only discernment I made on it and do make on it is your own displacement based on your openly seeking both praise and contention.

Let us separate from one another that we might remain in some accord and harmony in the LORD.

You continuing to go along this line will prove detrimental to your "case" I assure you friend.

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New member
I think we should take our conversation to your thread so we don't hijack the thread, pops.

This is my thread.

When someone chooses to comment on Abaddon; then we will be right where we should.

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New member
Abaddon in Hebrew, Apollyon in Greek.

Active participle of G622; a destroyer (that is, Satan): - Apollyon.
(Strong's Dictionary)
And by Satan; you mean not of GOD?

or are you just throwing a definition of man out there?

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Why are you still dragging this on?

It is you who has obviously missed something.

As if I did not state that you are not in any wrong that I can see on that particular subject. As if I did not conclude something similar to Ms. Mary; and too state such. As if one must wholly concure with the opinion of another on a personal matter not to do with them that they only witnessed part of in order for the matter to be concluded.

Seems to me in my biased sight that you are being contentious and your actual motives for such may not be that I didn't agree that you aren't lying and that using the help of another to convey a message in a form that can be readily understood is definitely not a bad thing. You seem bent on the fact that you asked for division and the only discernment I made on it and do make on it is your own displacement based on your openly seeking both praise and contention.

Let us separate from one another that we might remain in some accord and harmony in the LORD.

You continuing to go along this line will prove detrimental to your "case" I assure you friend.

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Ok, we agree to disagree. It seems clear to me your approach is the same as most well meaning Christians.

they treat evil deeds like elephant in the room.

You think I am being contentious, then so be it.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Who or what is Abaddon?

Is it of GOD; doing the will there of? What is it set to destroy?

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Revelation 9 KJV
(11) And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

You can find lots of interesting studies as to the identification to Abaddon/Apollyon.

I offer the following just as info to have:

The Septuagint records a king of locust/catepillars in Amos 7:1 as having the name of Gog.

Thus has the Lord God shewed me, and behold, a swarm of locusts coming from the east, and, behold, one catepillar, king Gog.



Well-known member
Who or what is Abaddon?

Is it of GOD; doing the will there of? What is it set to destroy?

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The real identity of the strange god/Abaddon is alluded to in the following verses:

Revelation 9:11
They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek is Apollyon
(that is, Destroyer).

Abaddon is the King of the Abyss of Hell and is called the destroyer, who will kill, and steal at every available opportunity:

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Abaddon is simply another name for Satan, who is the deceiver and can present himself in numerous ways. Satan will do everything he can to try and control the events of the end times, as this is his last opportunity before he is sent to the Abyss for a thousand years, so he will want to be the main player in this end times scenario. Also in Revelation it shows how Satan gives his authority to the Anti-Christ which he originally stole from Adam and tried to tempt Jesus with:

Revelation 13:2-4
2 The dragon [Satan] gave the beast [The Anti-Christ] his power, and his throne, and great authority.
4 People worshipped the dragon [Satan] because he had given authority to the beast [The Anti-Christ], and they also worshipped the beast, [The Anti-Christ] and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

Satan will appear in the skies and delude the people of the Earth that he is an extraterrestrial who has been on Earth before and will claim to be a god but he will look just like Jesus.

This false Jesus will deceive the world by saying that the Christian history of him is wrong while the Muslim history of him is true and that he is called Isa, the Muslim name for Jesus. This will very quickly cause the great falling away of the Christian Church that Paul spoke of in 2 Thessalonians.

Then Satan will descend to Damascus to select the Muslim Mahdi in accordance with Quranic prophecy, however this will really be the Anti-Christ of Biblical prophecy. This will happen by October 2022 and mark the beginning of the seven year tribulation.


New member
Satan will appear in the skies and delude the people of the Earth that he is an extraterrestrial who has been on Earth before and will claim to be a god but he will look just like Jesus.

This false Jesus will deceive the world by saying that the Christian history of him is wrong while the Muslim history of him is true and that he is called Isa, the Muslim name for Jesus. This will very quickly cause the great falling away of the Christian Church that Paul spoke of in 2 Thessalonians.

Then Satan will descend to Damascus to select the Muslim Mahdi in accordance with Quranic prophecy, however this will really be the Anti-Christ of Biblical prophecy. This will happen by October 2022 and mark the beginning of the seven year tribulation.

Did you used to write using the name Ray Bradbury?


New member
The real identity of the strange god/Abaddon is alluded to in the following verses:

Revelation 9:11
They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek is Apollyon
(that is, Destroyer).

Abaddon is the King of the Abyss of Hell and is called the destroyer, who will kill, and steal at every available opportunity:

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Abaddon is simply another name for Satan, who is the deceiver and can present himself in numerous ways. Satan will do everything he can to try and control the events of the end times, as this is his last opportunity before he is sent to the Abyss for a thousand years, so he will want to be the main player in this end times scenario. Also in Revelation it shows how Satan gives his authority to the Anti-Christ which he originally stole from Adam and tried to tempt Jesus with:

Revelation 13:2-4
2 The dragon [Satan] gave the beast [The Anti-Christ] his power, and his throne, and great authority.
4 People worshipped the dragon [Satan] because he had given authority to the beast [The Anti-Christ], and they also worshipped the beast, [The Anti-Christ] and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

Satan will appear in the skies and delude the people of the Earth that he is an extraterrestrial who has been on Earth before and will claim to be a god but he will look just like Jesus.

This false Jesus will deceive the world by saying that the Christian history of him is wrong while the Muslim history of him is true and that he is called Isa, the Muslim name for Jesus. This will very quickly cause the great falling away of the Christian Church that Paul spoke of in 2 Thessalonians.

Then Satan will descend to Damascus to select the Muslim Mahdi in accordance with Quranic prophecy, however this will really be the Anti-Christ of Biblical prophecy. This will happen by October 2022 and mark the beginning of the seven year tribulation.
What the..... no one finds that abaddon does the will of GOD?

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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
so no one finds that abaddon does the will of GOD?
I do.
Unless you are speaking about every minute detail of what is done.
By example, I would reference GOD's allowance of Satan to torture Job.
While I believe Satan could not have done what he did without the allowance of GOD, I do not believe it was GOD that dictated every single action Satan took against Job, but only set general parameters of what he could do.
In other words, GOD set parameters but still allowed Satan to make choices within that parameter.

Make sense?


New member
I do.
Unless you are speaking about every minute detail of what is done.
By example, I would reference GOD's allowance of Satan to torture Job.
While I believe Satan could not have done what he did without the allowance of GOD, I do not believe it was GOD that dictated every single action Satan took against Job, but only set general parameters of what he could do.
In other words, GOD set parameters but still allowed Satan to make choices within that parameter.

Make sense?
Yes ma'am.

But you do agree that it is GOD'S work that this abaddon carries out?

I understand what you are saying to be that he does the work of GOD yet has some freedom of expression while carrying this out. Is that right?

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