ECT A short story of the account of things as they are in today’s contemporary Church

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A short story of the account of things as they are in today’s contemporary Church. [As I have experienced it]

This couple who had longed to visit their adopted father’s house finally received an invitation to a banquet held in the honor of his only begotten son who had just returned from securing for him all that was purposed in his mission.

Needless to say they were delighted to be honored; to be part of this banquet. So off they went with full directions which were all laid out to lead them safely to their glorious destination.

After traveling many miles they somehow took a wrong turn and wound up on a very bleak and deserted road strewn with of dangerous obstacles and potholes. After a while it was evident to them that they were lost and needed to find a way back to the main road. They struggled in the ways of the own thinking to no avail. It was then, after much increased doubt brought on by their failed attempts to get themselves out of the darkness, a man came along who declared himself to be the ‘guardian of the way’; the one designated to lead anyone lost back to the straight and narrow way. With this they were elated! They had no idea they would have such a need since the way seemed right in their own understanding given them by peers and mentors. But here they were, rescued by someone who really could lead them safely out into the light of day.

Arriving back at the beautiful highway that led directly to father’s house but wishing to celebrate this, instead of making the turn and going on they decided to stop and speak to everyone they would meet coming down the road, of the beautiful gentleman, the guardian of way, who directed them back to the highway.

So caught up in their wanting to celebrate this they built a way station with full accommodations: baloney sandwiches, chicken dinners, elaborate musical entertainment and all else purposed to make people happy for those looking only for contentment and so impressed by the couples account of things they wanted to hear it again and again. They are still there today speaking with those same contented folk. Long forgotten is the invitation to father’s banquet. Wonderful folk, full of hospitality with even more programs intended to keep their guests excited in hearing the account of those dark days and the wonderful rescue, is till the motivation. Question: why didn’t they continue on to father’s house and his banquet set out for them when they had a chance? Why to this day are they not realizing a banquet awaited them that was fully paid for? All they have to do was stay in their car and move on up the “Agape Road”, the only road to that leads to father’s house.


New member
A short story of the account of things as they are in today’s contemporary Church. [As I have experienced it]

This couple who had longed to visit their adopted father’s house finally received an invitation to a banquet held in the honor of his only begotten son who had just returned from securing for him all that was purposed in his mission.

Needless to say they were delighted to be honored; to be part of this banquet. So off they went with full directions which were all laid out to lead them safely to their glorious destination.

After traveling many miles they somehow took a wrong turn and wound up on a very bleak and deserted road strewn with of dangerous obstacles and potholes. After a while it was evident to them that they were lost and needed to find a way back to the main road. They struggled in the ways of the own thinking to no avail. It was then, after much increased doubt brought on by their failed attempts to get themselves out of the darkness, a man came along who declared himself to be the ‘guardian of the way’; the one designated to lead anyone lost back to the straight and narrow way. With this they were elated! They had no idea they would have such a need since the way seemed right in their own understanding given them by peers and mentors. But here they were, rescued by someone who really could lead them safely out into the light of day.

Arriving back at the beautiful highway that led directly to father’s house but wishing to celebrate this, instead of making the turn and going on they decided to stop and speak to everyone they would meet coming down the road, of the beautiful gentleman, the guardian of way, who directed them back to the highway.

So caught up in their wanting to celebrate this they built a way station with full accommodations: baloney sandwiches, chicken dinners, elaborate musical entertainment and all else purposed to make people happy for those looking only for contentment and so impressed by the couples account of things they wanted to hear it again and again. They are still there today speaking with those same contented folk. Long forgotten is the invitation to father’s banquet. Wonderful folk, full of hospitality with even more programs intended to keep their guests excited in hearing the account of those dark days and the wonderful rescue, is till the motivation. Question: why didn’t they continue on to father’s house and his banquet set out for them when they had a chance? Why to this day are they not realizing a banquet awaited them that was fully paid for? All they have to do was stay in their car and move on up the “Agape Road”, the only road to that leads to father’s house.

Not sure exactly what you're saying. Are you talking about megachurches? Do you not think they are Christian?

However, I am sure my Church is not the one you're talking about.


Well-known member
The point is that we sometimes love God's gifts more than Himself. People follow God a little ways because of God-things they get, but they don't follow Him.

In mission work in China in the 1900s, there was the problem of rice Christians. If the evangelist also had rice to serve, he got a larger crowd to listen. But if he didn't have any, he got fewer.

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New member
The story typifies the church which celebrates Jesus while never moving on to know Him through the surrendering of their lives to the Father . . . . preferring to remain in a "chicken dinner' religious fellowship. Be happy while waiting to die. That is all that matters. That is all that they offer.