A Question for TOL Liberals on Abortion "Donations"


New member
Should it be made legal for anyone to profit off the "tissue" obtained from an abortion? Would you support the view by Jacob Appel that we should permit financial incentives for fetal farming.
If aborted fetuses do prove a useful source of organs for transplant, and there is hope to believe that they might, our society may soon have to grapple with the possibility of yet another controversial and startling -- yet potentially beneficial -- phenomenon: a legal market in fetal tissue and organs.

Ever since Dr. Peter Murray and his colleagues at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston performed the first successful living-donor kidney transplants in the 1950s, physicians and medical ethicists have debated -- often heatedly -- the merits of permitting the sale of organs. Supporters of such a market have argued that financial incentives will increase the supply of available organs and save human lives. For example, Iran has a well-regulated market in organs and no waiting list. Moreover, many supporters of organ sales believe that potential sellers have a fundamental right to choose how to use their own body parts. Opponents of organ sales fear that transforming transplantation into a financial transaction will lead to exploitation of the poor, particularly in developing nations, and will expose the world's least fortunate inhabitants to unnecessary medical risks and to exchanges in which they lack equal bargaining power. The striking benefit of a legal trade in fetal organs, unlike adult organs, is that it may provide all of the benefits that supporters desire without resulting in the exploitative harms that opponents fear. Such sales could prove the rare economic transaction in the medical field in which all participating parties can truly be said to benefit.

The first striking feature of fetal organs is that their supply, for all practical purposes, is unlimited. Unlike living kidney donors, who must then advance through life with only one functioning kidney, pregnant women who provide fetal kidneys could do so repeatedly without incurring the medical consequences of adult organ loss. When overseen by properly-trained physicians, abortion is an extremely safe procedure -- even safer than delivering an infant at term. Since far more women have legal abortions each year in the United States than would be required to clear organ wait-lists, if only a small percentage of those women could be persuaded to carry their fetuses to the necessary point of development for transplantation, society might realize significant public health benefits. The government could even step into the marketplace itself to purchase fetal organs for patients on Medicare and Medicaid, ensuring that low-income individuals had equal access to such organs while keeping the "asking price" elevated.

Opponents of reproductive choice will object to such a market on the grounds that it will increase the number of abortions -- which will indeed be the logical result. However, such a market might also bring solace to women who have already decided upon abortion, but desire that some additional social good come from the procedure. Like the families of accident victims who donate the organs of their loved ones, these women could well find their decisions fortified by the public benefit that they generate. An additional economic incentive would further assuage any doubts, and might even make the procedure more palatable to otherwise equivocal spouses or partners
Of course, those who believe that life begins at conception will never find such a market desirable. But for those of us, myself included, who sincerely believe that human life begins far later in the growth process, I believe that we have a moral duty to women to give due consideration to the legalization of such a fetal-organ trade. Society should not curtail a woman's economic liberty without a compelling reason any more than it should curtail her reproductive liberty....
I would prefer to believe that a market in fetal organs would empower women to use their reproductive capabilities to their own economic advantage. If a woman has the fundamental right to terminate a pregnancy, why not the right to use the products of that terminated pregnancy as she sees fit? Many women would likely use the proceeds of such sales to finance college educations or to help raise their children. While being pregnant and going to college, or being pregnant and looking after a family, is certainly a challenge, who is to say it is any less desirable than pursing these goals while working at Wal-Mart? Obviously, no woman should be compelled to sell fetal parts or tissue -- much as no living adult should be compelled to donate her own kidney or cornea. But "choice" need not end with the removal of the fetus.


Well-known member
As I understand it, no one is profiting off the tissue. They are simply being paid for the extra time and effort it takes to procure it.


New member
As I understand it, no one is profiting off the tissue. They are simply being paid for the extra time and effort it takes to procure it.

that's not the question in the OP. Instead, I asked should it be made legal so anyone can profit?


New member
Would that include profiting from receiving the tissue and developing new technology, techniques or treatments?


New member
Would that include profiting from receiving the tissue and developing new technology, techniques or treatments?

reread the OP such a perspective is already explicit in Jacob Appel views, but for sake of trying to get an answer from liberals on the forum. Do you support women getting pregnant, so that they can sell the fetal parts for a quick buck, Which in turn will allow the developing new technology?
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New member
reread the OP such a perspective is already explicit in Jacob Appel views, but for sake of trying to get an answer from liberals on the forum. Do you support women getting pregnant, so that they can sell the fetal parts for a quick buck, Which in turn will allow the developing new technology?

I don't support women getting pregnant in order to have an abortion to make money. (But no-one does that, do they?)

No woman sells foetal parts at all, since that's illegal. (This has been made clear lots of times now.)

Developing of new technology, such as gene therapies, is a good thing, even if it means making use of foetal material that was going to be destroyed. (Which isn't the same as the women making a quick buck, but of course you know that.)

"For the sake of getting answers ..."? Really? We are the only ones giving rational responses freely and clearly.