A look at Jeremiah 7:21-8:3 and Mark 13:1-37


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JEREMIAH 7:21-8:3; 9:22,23  

     Adonai speaks to Yirimyahu (Jeremiah) telling Israel to repent and return to God, yet God told him that Israel would not listen to him.  So sad, that was the case.  Sacrifices were continued, but without true repentance.  Kind of like the Mafia big bosses murdering and gunning down people, and then going to mass at church and confess before the priests (if they even did that).

     Israel was taken into slavery to live in Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, only many years later did a remnant return to Israel.  We need to get back to God today (Shoov) through true repentance, from the heart and not just with words.  Adonai did not ask for sacrifices when he took his people out of Egypt, only obedience to his voice and words, yet Israel failed to obey.  The “Korbanot” were HIS way to point his people back to him through Yeshua, the “Emet” (Truth) and the foundation stone from the beginning. 

Let us, today, turn from our wicked ways and "return" (Shoov) to our creator supreme, our heavenly Father, through the Son, Jesus Christ, who set us free from the curse of sin and death. Remember, only born-again believers can call God "Father" because we are in a family relationship. The lost can only call God their "creator." One day, we will all appear before our Father/Creator and respond for our ways, both righteous and wicked. May we be counted among the righteous.  

MARK 13:1-37  

     Yeshua tells his Talmidim about the future.  “The end is near” he tells them.  Yet many will say; “Well, that was thousands of years ago, and the end is not in sight!” 

     We need to remember that our perspective of time is not the same perspective of Adonai’s time.  If one thousand years are like a day, then, in reality, time is of no matter to YHVH.  Yeshua is saying that “Many will come in my name”.  We see that it is true with many false Messiahs, false cults, false doctrines, “adding” to the Word of God saying, “Yeshua isn’t enough, you need…” 

     Many cults, denominations change God’s Word to fit their beliefs, mis-interpret original words.  When we listen to preachers and teachers, we must ask ourselves, “Is this what God’s Word is really saying?” does it support solid Bible doctrine, if it does not, then it is mere commentary, “man’s opinion, nothing more. 

     I believe that the best way to understand God’s word is to get back to the original language and culture to understand what the original writers were saying.  Yeshua is coming back, are you ready?

We must live and prepare our lives as if Yeshua will return in the far future yet be ready if He returns tomorrow.  It is good to make plans, yet YHVH has the final say. 

Have a blessed week.

The evening sky reflects the beauty of Adonai, "The evening and the morning, Yom Echad" (Day One)" SAM_0867.JPG