A-bomb maker Abdul Kalam is Indians’ right guide to suicide!!



His name is proposed 2nd time for Indian president’s post. Such are the leaders chosen by humanity, fallen from Heaven here, towards soul suicide. why?
Spiritual Love, the omnipotent God creates spiritual entities by uniting spiritual atoms. Then by them He creates paradises, bigger than earth in spiritual population as sun is materially bigger, by uniting them in spiritual domain. Love’s nature is binding unifying. By self-sacrificing love paradises are created like worldly organizations here too. When pride-selfishness enters all these break up by in fight.
So, when old some paradises turn proud, seeking glory instead of love. That original sin of pride diminishes love in them. Due to Love-bond weakening, in fight starts within and that paradise starts disintegrating into hate-hells, where souls also disintegrate reverting back to primordial spiritual atoms.
But some sane souls repent and try to save that paradise. But being rejected, they (Christ) unite with Heavenly Father, the centre of paradises and obey Him to create a new paradise by cross bearing self-sacrifice, the generator of all paradises.
Heavenly Father is a unity of-Heavenly parents who regenerates us in Christ so that we become like Him, to be worthy to enter into His unity Heaven, the community of saints. We can understand that seeing the unity of worldly parents here, who really run the world rearing us up in their likeness. Only then we can enter their unity here.
But the majority unrepentant humanity is running to soul-suicide as Jews schemed of fighting Romans, rejecting Christ. So they have opted for the pride-devil and his protégées, the power hungry politicians, industrialists, mass Medias, scientists. They are sure to reject Christlike people as Gandhi, martin Luther king and Christ- martyrs. So they have proposed Abdul Kalam as 2nd time president of India.
