70% likely that Trump will bomb North Korea before the end of March

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"70% likely that Trump will bomb North Korea before the end of March"

So say the people in the know to the media.

Apparently there is a '5 month window' before it is thought KJU has re-entrant nuclear warheads.


People in the know. :yawn:

Iraq 2 ring a bell. Dodgy dossiers and all that... Cost a lot of lives and for what? Well, nothing actually. The dead are still dead though; not entertaining hi-class tarts at tax payers expence.

The Barbarian

One of the ways a really unpopular president can get popular fast, is to have war.

This time, it could result in incinerasted cities in the U.S.

I would like to think Trump isn't that stupid. But given the pressure he's under, and the continuing roll of indictments of Trump and Russian officials, one wonders.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Trump wants to do two things foreign policy wise, well actually three things but ISIS is on the run so the two things are;
Fix Iran
Fix North Korea
To move on either he needs Putin to sit out.
That's why he treats Russia the way he does.
He needs Putin to not do anything when he pounces.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
One of the ways a really unpopular president can get popular fast, is to have war.

This time, it could result in incinerasted cities in the U.S.

I would like to think Trump isn't that stupid. But given the pressure he's under, and the continuing roll of indictments of Trump and Russian officials, one wonders.

He wants to open Iran and North Korea.
Imagine the economy those countries could have if they would just play nice.
And the people in Iran at least seem to hunger for it.

Trump is a business man, not a Statesmen. The Statesmen have had us facing off with North Korea since the 50s. There's 30,000 U.S. military there all the time to make sure we can kick North Koreas butt at a moments notice.

That's what the Statesmen have brought us. The Business man sees a big liability that keeps getting worse. The more stuff Kim gets the more stuff Donald has to buy to defend against the stuff. He wants to pull the plug badly. But he needs China and Russia to sit out.

Will he pull it off?
Stay Tuned.



70% likely that Trump will bomb North Korea before the end of March

What happens if the South Korean government refuses to become a willing participant in a conflict between Trump and the North Koreans?

Without the consent of the South Koreans, the Americans will be seen as the aggressors!


"70% likely that Trump will bomb North Korea before the end of March"

So say the people in the know to the media.

Apparently there is a '5 month window' before it is thought KJU has re-entrant nuclear warheads.

Bitchin zstubnobtcih

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


New member
He wants to open Iran and North Korea.

Admiral Trumpy's nuclear gunboats?

Imagine the economy those countries could have if they would just play nice.

See: Iraq.

The US military is fairly effective at grinding a country into paste. Typically, that isn't great for the economy. And as far as humanitarian considerations go, not that you would give those any thought in your haste to get at the wealth of these countries, any such war would certainly kill far more than either of their governments do.

Tell me, what would it look like for these countries to "play nice"?

And the people in Iran at least seem to hunger for it.

It's a mistake to assume that just because they hate their government that they would welcome our intervention. Our record in Iran is abominable, and I doubt they would welcome anything that places them back under our thumbs.

Trump is a business man, not a Statesmen. The Statesmen have had us facing off with North Korea since the 50s. There's 30,000 U.S. military there all the time to make sure we can kick North Koreas butt at a moments notice.

That's what the Statesmen have brought us. The Business man sees a big liability that keeps getting worse. The more stuff Kim gets the more stuff Donald has to buy to defend against the stuff. He wants to pull the plug badly. But he needs China and Russia to sit out.

Will he pull it off?
Stay Tuned.

For instance, no statesman would risk trading cities in a nuclear Holocaust to win a tweet war.

The reasons statesmen have been unable to break this deadlock is that there are no good ways out. That's not an argument to do something crazy in response.


Hall of Fame
"70% likely that Trump will bomb North Korea before the end of March"

So say the people in the know to the media.

Apparently there is a '5 month window' before it is thought KJU has re-entrant nuclear warheads.

This wouldn't surprise me. Just another Trump *Wag the Dog* tactic ...
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