550,000 Voters Said YES to Personhood!

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550,000 Voters Said YES to Personhood!

This is the show from Wednesday November 5th, 2008.

There are Christians who are upset because a Republican, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, socialist, anti-creationist, godless politician like John McCain - that he lost the election. And Christians are beside themselves that one of their enemies lost the election. I...I don't quite...I can't...I just can't process that.


* Election Results: Look at the bright side! If you know anyone depressed after the Republican meltdown on Tuesday, encourage them to listen to this program! Aside from all the other reasons to press on and fight the fight, there's a new organization to facilitate personhood battles throughout America, it's called PersonhoodUSA.com and is run by key organizers of Colorado's 2008 personhood campaign! PTL! Many pro-lifer leaders and groups, including American Right To Life, look forward to promoting the Personhood approach to ending abortion, and PersonhoodUSA will be a strategic asset to pro-life ministry!

* Amendment 48's 550,000 Votes: Politically, Colorado's personhood Amendment 48 was trounced, but still it received 550,000 'Yes' votes, providing a firm baseline from which we will continue the fight to uphold the God-given right to life of unborn children. With two down and one to go: slavery abolished and the holocaust ended, Christians will continue their 41-year fight in our state since 1967 to end the 'legalized' killing of unborn children. Defeating widespread injustice is never easy. We here at BEL will press on and work to export the personhood strategy to other states and nations, to advocate enforcement of God's enduring command, Do not murder.

* Anti-Personhood Republicans Lose Again in '10: For the first time ever, Colorado RTL openly worked against purported pro-life Republican candidates, targeting those who refused to endorse personhood this election cycle. BEL hopes that this courageous act marks the beginning of a new era when major pro-life organizations work against the candidacy of any Republican who has "exceptions" to protecting children and who does not support personhood. BEL will only support candidates who will not kill unborn children, candidates like Alan Keyes with America's Independent Party or similar Republicans and Democrats, but we will actively oppose all others!

* Extraordinary Post-show Updates: Now there are TWO! Doug Phillip's widely-influential Vision Forum has come out with a warning about John McCain's pro-abortion record and a rebuke of National RTL falsely representing McCain as a defender of unborn children. And now, they've published a sequel, taking to task the pro-life journalist Steven Ertelt, long-known for outright fabrication of pro-Republican news. "We agree with the National Right to Life Committee's conclusion of eight years ago - a position that they have now suppressed due to political expediency - that 'John McCain Threatens the Pro-Life Cause.'" True. Bob Enyart Live thanks Doug Phillips and report authors Wesley Strackbein and Bob Renaud.

* UK Media Picture of the Day from ARTL: Did you see this great photo of American RTL's sign on the mountain condemning the DNC?

* See this Extraordinary Personhood TV Ad: There is a fire in a clinic. See what happens next...

* Joe the Plumber Says Alan Keyes Can Fix US: Again, listen to the audio of Joe from Ohio saying that Alan Keyes could fix this country in two years, and see the AP video!

* American RTL Action Presidential Voter's Guide: about McCain's pro-abortion record is perfect for emailing to a friend for the election!

* Other Interviews including:
- Los Angeles: Gregg Jackson's interview of Alan Keyes and John Haskins (must-listen radio)
- NPR: Bob Enyart on National Public Radio's All Things Considered exposing pro-abortion Romney: 4-minute audio, transcript
- Des Moines: Steven Deace's interview of David Barton about the current election
- 14 Swedish editorial writers at Denver's historic Brown Palace with Bob Enyart and friends defending personhood (articles so far: Kristianstadsbladet; Allehanda)
- The Al Jazeera (of all things) English-language network out of Washington D.C. sent a reporter and cameraman to Denver Bible Church as part of a report on Colorado's personhood amendment; see http://Aljezeera.net/English tomorrow, Wed. Oct. 29 at noon
- See Bob Enyart's of Amendment 48
- The BBC's two-hour TV interview last week with Brian Rohrbough, [url=http://americanrighttolife.org/us]president of American RTL
; stay tuned to KGOV to find out about any resultant BBC report.

* Focus II: An organization at the domain name "AndThenYouCanKillTheBaby.com" doesn't want you to see the groundbreaking DVD, Focus on the Strategy II. You may want to check it out anyway!

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources! And if you subscribe to the BEL Televised Classics, you will see this debate on TV, since it is one of the many extraordinary programs that come to your home on DVD when you subscribe!
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