4th Day: 43% ($10,850) of $25,000 Goal!

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4th Day: 43% ($10,850) of $25,000 Goal!

This is the show from Tuesday February 6th, 2007.

The curriculum in the public schools is written by adults designed to ruin a young person's trust in God. That's what the curriculum is designed to do way more than teach them phonics.

* Reasons You Should Not Give to BEL: Don't give financial support to BEL for any of the shameful motivations popularized by televangelists and other ministries. It is true that God blesses those who obey Him. However, it brings shame to the Gospel of Jesus Christ if while raising funds, a church or ministry reminds people that God blesses those who give financially "to the Lord's work." So please, don't give money to BEL if you believe any of these things, that:
- If God can get it through you, He'll get it to you.
- If you give to ministry, your loved one will be healed.
- If you give to BEL, you have a better chance at financial security.
- If you give to the Lord, your marriage will be restored.
- God killed Ananias and Sapphira, so I better give.
- If you plant seed in good soil like BEL, you will reap 100 fold!
Bob Enyart will NOT say, "God will bless you if you give money to this ministry," because the heart is exceedingly deceptive. Offering Christians a not-so-subtle cash-back scheme in the guise of promises from God brings dishonor to the work of the ministry. So, if you think that Bob Enyart Live fills a vital role in the Body of Christ, bringing the principles of Scripture to the world and the Body of Christ, then please, give for that reason, because we truly need your help to underwrite another year of broadcasting on the most powerful Christian radio station in America, the 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT!

* Danielle from Thornton: called to urge others to give to the BEL Telethon either online, and also to read The Plot (Bob's life's work, his overview of the whole Bible), and to listen to the BEL Bible Study Albums!

Today's Resource: See Danielle from Thornton!
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