4 Marines murdered on Chattanooga military facilities


[4 Marines murdered on Chattanooga military facilities Chattanooga, Tenn.] "A gunman unleashed a barrage of gunfire at two military facilities Thursday in Tennessee, killing at least four Marines and wounding a soldier and a police officer, officials told CBS News.

The shooter also was killed. Two law enforcement sources told CBS News that the shooting suspect was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

"Today was a nightmare for the city of Chattanooga," Mayor Andy Berke said. "As a city, we will respond to this with every available resource that we have."

U.S. Attorney Bill Killian said officials were treating the attacks as an "act of domestic terrorism," though FBI Special Agent in Charge Ed Reinhold said authorities were still investigating a motive. The first shooting happened around 10:45 a.m.; the attacks were over within a half-hour.

Berke said five people died in all, including the gunman. A police officer was shot in the ankle, and others were wounded, he said.

U.S. officials told CBS News correspondent David Martin that four U.S. Marines were among the dead.

A Marine recruiter was treated at a hospital for a gunshot wound to the leg, the Marine Corps said on its Facebook page.

"Lives have been lost from some faithful people who have been serving our country, and I think I join all Tennesseans in being both sickened and saddened by this," Gov. Bill Haslam said..." Full text: 4 Marines killed in attacks on Chattanooga military facilities :CRASH: Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT, Lk 22:36


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New member
[4 the shooting suspect was identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.


a member of the "religion of peace" no doubt..

wel, the pres has made it abundantly clear that he is pro-jihadi (Iran "deal")

so... we can't say we are overly surprised...

trickle down lawlessness...



To no one's surprise, the killer was Muslim.

His name was Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

BTW, a sign at the front door of the recruiting center where Abdulazeez killed four marines was a gun free zone:



Well-known member
There are 7 billion people on this planet. And some small percentage of them will become homicidal lunatics. Here in the U.S., guns are everywhere, and we can purchase assault weapons at gun shows without anyone checking up on who's buying them. So it's pretty much inevitable that this sort of thing is going to happen, occasionally.

These are the times we are living in.


A plant by the left to distract you from the beast and nuclear Iran, and it worked.

Wow, just wow. Just exactly how did that work? Was this particular nut job promised virgins ala Jihad? Did the government pay his family millions so the kid could be brainwashed? And once he was in place was the action on hold until the government needed him and then a secret magic word, ala The Manchurian Candidate, put the plan in motion? What portion of our government paid for this? Is there a particular drug you take to allow this thinking?

Again, wow, just wow!


And to no one's surprise the killer in South Carolina was a right wing white man. Did you post that earlier after the South Carolina murders? Just askin'.

The South Carolina killer (Dylan Roof) wasn't a right winger.

He burned American flags. Can you show me a right wing organization that supports burning the American Flag?

He was also a drug using meth head. Which party wants to decriminalize drugs?

Dylan Roof hated America. Liberals hate America.

Then there's the Confederate Flag. Everything about the Confederate Flag is Democrat. It's a Democrat flag.

So to answer your question, NO, I didn't post that because it's not true.

What is true, is that the four Marines were killed by a Muslim.

Until they released the name of the man that killed the four Marines, you probably thought he was a Tea Party member?

You Progressive Liberals live in denial.


New member
And to no one's surprise the killer in South Carolina was a right wing white man. Did you post that earlier after the South Carolina murders? Just askin'.

well, we see how well you know history

you show your absymal IGNORANCE here

the KKK were Democrats

the Dems were teh ones who voted against Civil Rights bills...

Bull Conner... Dem

Moron City



Well-known member
A plant by the left to distract you from the beast and nuclear Iran, and it worked.

I hate to say it but that's what I was wondering about with the PP video release as well. Iran will attempt to nuke or rad someone in the neighborhood the moment they're able to, and Obama gave them the green light.