3 Things to Remember on Independence Day


Well-known member
Power despises independence.
Whether you're talking about the British Empire during the 1700's, or the American Empire of today, the axiom hasn't changed. Power wants control at all times.
Back in 1776, American colonists had no desire to overthrow the British Crown. They had no designs for a coup, or "regime change."
They just wanted out. Secession.
Well, in the eyes of power, that is traitorous and treasonous.
Rarely do people summon such courage. Even as the Declaration of Independence states: "all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Here are 3 things to remember about July 4th:

3 Things to Remember on Independence Day
