24 Million Americans will lose their healthcare insurance within a decade!


GOP Health Law Insures Fewer People, Nonpartisan Review Shows

WASHINGTON — The House Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act would cause 24 million people to lose health insurance within a decade, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said on Monday.

Republicans had been bracing for what was almost certain to be a bleak accounting of the legislation’s projected effects. The American Health Care Act, as Republicans call their bill, was already facing widespread criticism from providers of health care, some conservatives, and a united Democratic Party. The numbers released Monday will only make it more difficult for Republicans to explain why their legislation would bring positive change to the country’s health care system....

Despite promises from the President during the Campaign to provide cheaper, better healthcare insurance available to all, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has joined a long list of organizations that have concluded that quite the opposite is true.

The irony is that among those Americans most adversely affected will be the core constituency that voted Trump into office!
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New member
any reason they can't buy insurance on their own?

Because Trump's well-paying jobs supposedly soon to come their way, is already proving one more economic issue he has ever been both clueless of, and an absolute con about.


patrick jane

Despite promises from the President during the Campaign to provide cheaper, better healthcare insurance available to all, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has joined a long list of organizations that have concluded that quite the opposite is true.

The irony is that among those Americans most adversely affected will be the core constituency that voted Trump into office!
Fake News. Watch it pass


Health-care costs for families top $25,000 — triple 2001
24 May 2016

The costs of providing health care to an average American family surpassed $25,000 for the first time in 2016 — even as the rate of health cost increases slowed to a record low, a new analysis revealed Tuesday.

The $25,826 in health-care costs for a typical family of four covered by a employer-sponsored "preferred provider plan" is $1,155 higher than last year, and triple what it cost to provide health care for the same family in 2001, the first year that Milliman Medical Index analysis was done.

And it's the 11th consecutive year that the total dollar increase in the average family's health-care costs exceeded $1,110, actuarial services firm Milliman noted as it released the index.

A significant cost driver identified by the index was the rapid growth in what health plans and insured people are paying for prescription drugs, which now comprise almost 17 percent of the total spending on health care, or an average of $4,270 annually.

That's four times the prescription drug costs borne by an average family in 2001, although the index did not factor in the effect of pharmaceutical company rebates, which can reduce the total drug costs and which are becoming more common.

A $25 000 annual insurance premium is far beyond the what most American families can afford.

"Healthcare" has become a "licence to make money" in America and governments have sold-out the best interests of the average citizen!
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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
A $25 000 annual insurance premium is far beyond the what most American families can afford.

"Healthcare" has become a "licence to make money" in America and governments have sold-out the best interests of the average citizen!
Ending insurance all together would take care of it.

If Doc no longer get all that inflated insurance payments, and hardly anyone is able to pay his bill .......... Docs are gonna be out of business unless they drop their prices.


Ending insurance all together would take care of it.

If Doc no longer get all that inflated insurance payments, and hardly anyone is able to pay his bill .......... Docs are gonna be out of business unless they drop their prices.
In 2016, it was estimated that 1.4 million American medical tourists went abroad to have their medical procedures addressed at a much more affordable cost!


New member
Ending insurance all together would take care of it.

If Doc no longer get all that inflated insurance payments, and hardly anyone is able to pay his bill .......... Docs are gonna be out of business unless they drop their prices.
Doctors have to pay out all that high libility insurance because America is lawsuit happy.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A $25 000 annual insurance premium is far beyond the what most American families can afford.

ok, so you're of the opinion that $520/month per person is too much

maybe it is, maybe it isn't

how much do you think people should pay per month?