2015 Stock Market Crashing over Last few Days (Aug 18-21)


New member
The news is being padded and subdued for us, but ..

We Have Already Witnessed The First 1300 Points Of The Stock Market Crash Of 2015

By Michael Snyder, on August 20th, 2015
What has been happening on Wall Street the past few days has been nothing short of stunning. On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 358 points. It was the largest single day decline in a year and a half, and investors are starting to panic. Overall, the Dow is now down more than 1300 points from the peak of the market. Just yesterday, I wrote about all of the experts that are warning about a stock market crash in 2015, and after today I am sure that a lot more people will start jumping on the bandwagon. In particular, tech stocks are getting absolutely hammered lately. The Nasdaq has fallen close to 3.5% over the past two days alone, and it has dropped below its 200-day moving average. The Russell 2000 (a small-cap stock market index) is also now trading below its 200-day moving average. What all of this means is that the stock market crash of 2015 has already begun. The only question left to answer at this point is how bad it will ultimately turn out to be.

When stocks were booming, tech stocks were leading the way up.
But now that the market has turned, tech stocks are starting to lead the way down



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New member
You'll also want to look at the other 23 countries where stock markets are crashing now:


23 Nations Around The World Where Stock Market Crashes Are Already Happening

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/18/2015 22:00 -0400

Submitted by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

You can stop waiting for a global financial crisis to happen. The truth is that one is happening right now. All over the world, stock markets are already crashing. Most of these stock market crashes are occurring in nations that are known as “emerging markets”. In recent years, developing countries in Asia, South America and Africa loaded up on lots of cheap loans that were denominated in U.S. dollars. But now that the U.S. dollar has been surging, those borrowers are finding that it takes much more of their own local currencies to service those loans. At the same time, prices are crashing for many of the commodities that those countries export. The exact same kind of double whammy caused the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s and the Asian financial crisis of the 1990s.
As you read this article, almost every single stock market in the world is down significantly from a record high that was set either earlier this year or late in 2014. But even though stocks have been sliding in the western world, they haven’t completely collapsed just yet.
In much of the developing world, it is a very different story. Emerging market currencies are crashing hard, recessions are starting, and equity prices are getting absolutely hammered.
Posted below is a list that I put together of 23 nations around the world where stock market crashes are already happening. To see the stock market chart for each country, just click the link…
1. Malaysia
2. Brazil
3. Egypt
4. China
5. Indonesia
6. South Korea
7. Turkey
8. Chile
9. Colombia
10. Peru
11. Bulgaria
12. Greece
13. Poland
14. Serbia
15. Slovenia
16. Ukraine
17. Ghana
18. Kenya
19. Morocco
20. Nigeria
21. Singapore
22. Taiwan
23. Thailand



New member
Also, this is some useful data:


Why the Next Stock Market Crash

Will Happen Any Day Now

By Christian Hill | Thursday, 20 Aug 2015 05:03 PM

the fifth chart shows that the last two times the market climbed this high, a severe correction took place. The first two advances were over 100%, and then followed by a crash of roughly 50%. With the latest rally topping 100%, it is very likely that the market is setting up for another drastic correction.


With the evidence of a market crash growing every day, many investors have turned to a noted economist for a help.

Robert Wiedemer, who along with a team of economists correctly predicted the collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, and consumer spending that almost sank the United States during the “Great Recession,” recently recorded a controversial interview in which he predicts that the coming market crash will result in a 90% stock market drop, 50% unemployment, and 100% annual inflation starting this year.

When the host of the interview expressed disbelief in Wiedemer’s claims, he calmly displayed his own indisputable charts to back up his predictions, such as the one below. (Click here to see those exact charts.)

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Finance/MKTN...ce-Stocks/2013/03/01/id/492699/#ixzz3jUBIs865
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!



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This is the beginning which will lead to global war - the total war that Howe and Strauss predicted back in 1997, and which will radically change our cultural atmosphere. Caitlyn Jenner will soon seem like a faded dream.


New member
the market closed worse today -

For the record, Friday the DOW lost 531 points in one day!

Dow plunges 531 points

By Patrick Gillespie @CNNMoneyInvest

America's stock market plunged dramatically Friday, marking its biggest loss of the year.

The Dow plummeted 531 points, concluding its worst week since 2011. Around the world, major indexes also fell for the week and most are negative for the month.

Three big factors are driving this week's worries:

1. Concerns are growing that China's economy is slowing down faster than its government has said.
2. Investors had been preparing for the U.S. Federal Reserve to raise its benchmark interest rate in September. However, the central bank has been sending mixed signals. That's dredging out the market's worst enemy: uncertainty.
3. Oil prices dropped below the key $40 level for the first time since 2009.



New member


(Before It's News)
I’ve been watching all weekend now… Waiting for a sign. Waiting for an answer as to what I should expect from the United States Economy on Monday August 24, 2015. After a week of snowballing losses leading to record losses on Friday, Wall Street will be in for a huge disappointment today as well.
The Chinese have lost yet another 8.49% at their market closing on Monday. This significant, almost double-digit, loss shows a clear slow down in world GDP. The question is… Should we be concerned? My answer? YES… Be very concerned.
What we are not seeing on TV is the ramping up of Military forces in Russia and China. The joint operations being performed by the two super powers are directly for a show of strength and maybe even slight intimidation towards the US. Although we know that the United States has engaged in misinformation and propaganda, we know that our enemies do the same. My concern is that between S. Korea and N. Korea, with Russia and China, who’s telling the most propaganda lies to fit the future narrative of their goals? Who has the most to gain from an economically weak US and a world at war? ~Sincere
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New member
You do know why right? I mean the actual reason and not some tin foil hat theory. Oh, and the 1000 point drop happened Monday morning and has already regained at least half that drop. The market has been inflated for years, it's just correcting itself, or going into a bear market.


New member
You do know why right? I mean the actual reason and not some tin foil hat theory. Oh, and the 1000 point drop happened Monday morning and has already regained at least half that drop. The market has been inflated for years, it's just correcting itself, or going into a bear market.

Yeah we'll be sure to check with a self-identifying "pagan"
to get the real story.
Thanks for checking in with nothing.


New member
Yeah we'll be sure to check with a self-identifying "pagan"
to get the real story.
Thanks for checking in with nothing.

That's right, I of course as a pagan could not possibly have any idea how the markets work. It's too bad that you would rather look for boogeymen, then the knowledge or world wide economics and their effects on the market. There is more than plenty educational material available if you'll just use google.


New member
Real value states that the DOW should be in the 7500-8000 range, any higher than that and its all perception which is subject to the media and the whims of government.