12 behind-the-scenes photos show the White House being decorated for Christmas

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
12 behind-the-scenes photos show the White House being decorated for Christmas

First lady Melania Trump and her staff have been planning what the White House will look like for Christmas since the summer.

The week of Thanksgiving, volunteers and staff transformed the “People’s House” for the holiday season.

President Donald Trump joined his wife to receive the White House Christmas tree on November 19


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
How Trump brought Christmas back to America

December 24, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – President Donald Trump was introduced by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke at the 2018 lighting of the National Christmas Tree as the “man who brought Christmas back to America.”

It’s a big claim to make. Can it possibly be true?

Left-leaning media often like to take advantage of claims like this, mocking those who try to cast Trump as if he were the lead role in “Ernest Saves Christmas,” as Vanity Fair put it.

When Trump campaigned in 2016 on the promise that America was going to start saying “Merry Christmas” again, his critics accurately pointed out with video evidence that Obama had never actually stopped saying “Merry Christmas.”

When, after Trump’s inauguration, conservatives began celebrating what they saw as the new president’s overthrowing of the “War on Christmas,” they were soundly mocked for thinking there had been a war in the first place.

This leads to the big question: Did Christmas really leave America under Obama and his administration? Has Trump really brought Christmas “back”?

The only way to go about answering this question is to compare how the two presidents have commemorated Christmas. There are no better examples of this than the presidential addresses at the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremonies and the annual White House Christmas Cards. What messages about Christmas have Obama and Trump conveyed on these occasions?

Rest of story: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/how-trump-brought-christmas-back-to-america


I voted for Trump, not knowing the vile people who would come out and show themselves to be what they are.
Millions of people admitting their prejudice proudly and seeing this country become fascist- the very thing they fought against not even a century ago.

But thanks for handing over the next election- post them Christmas trees then.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Is donny paying you for this?

Thats the sort of childish ignorant post I would expect from you.

Its a thread about the president and first lady at Christmas time. Why is it that petty hatemongers like you can't leave it at that. Your hate drips from you like so much venom.


New member

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

The Trumps receive the White House Christmas Tree on Nov. 19, 2018