‘Gays’ Admit They’re Not ‘Born that Way’


New member
Hat tip to the illustrious Musterion for this one :e4e:

Of course if taken seriously, it would negate the scotus ruling :think:

This is also a part of the gay "bait and switch" strategy: (even said openly, sans hidden camera by many now)

Pull the public in with certain arguments, then, once granted rights,
change the argument - or admit to the truth of the argument. ;)

‘Gays’ Admit They’re Not ‘Born that Way’



Hall of Fame
Hat tip to the illustrious Musterion for this one :e4e:

Of course if taken seriously, it would negate the scotus ruling :think:

This is also a part of the gay "bait and switch" strategy: (even said openly, sans hidden camera by many now)

Pull the public in with certain arguments, then, once granted rights,
change the argument - or admit to the truth of the argument. ;)

‘Gays’ Admit They’re Not ‘Born that Way’


Why would this speak for all gays? Also, considering there is no set reason people have ever had to give in order to marry, why would this matter?

Example: Why would a fifty year old man or woman marry an eighteen year old teenager?


New member
Why would this speak for all gays? Also, considering there is no set reason people have ever had to give in order to marry, why would this matter?

Example: Why would a fifty year old man or woman marry an eighteen year old teenager?
Well, if you read the piece , it has to do with SCOTUS' own definition of granted protections. The class has to be born that way to be granted them.


Hall of Fame
Well, if you read the piece , it has to do with SCOTUS' own definition of granted protections. The class has to be born that way to be granted them.

Outside of your opinion, how will you prove they are not?


Hall of Fame
NARTH studies; many studies in past years. Some data from the mouths of gays themselves.

Interestingly enough, you are willing to discount those who say they have always been attracted to their own sex.

Oh well, gay marriage is a done deal ... regardless of your opinion.


New member
Interestingly enough, you are willing to discount those who say they have always been attracted to their own sex.

Oh well, gay marriage is a done deal ... regardless of your opinion.
Yep, a done deal, but that doesn't make it the truth. Truth is truth and remains so even when silly people overrule it.


Hall of Fame
Yep, a done deal, but that doesn't make it the truth. Truth is truth and remains so even when silly people overrule it.

No doubt that your opinion will be taken into serious consideration by those homosexuals who, thanks to this ruling, are able to legally wed.


New member
No doubt that your opinion will be taken into serious consideration by those homosexuals who, thanks to this ruling, are able to legally wed.
Just like pedophiles and pornographers and prostitutes and heroin addicts don't care for my opinion. SSM is legal, and the sky won't fall, just as it didn't fall when pornography went rampant. :)

The Horn

If homosexuality were a "choice", who would some people "choose" to be gay in a world which is so hostle to them ? A world where they are often rejected and disowned by their parents, where they are at constant risl of being discriminated against, where they are hated and lied about , where they do not have the same rights as straight people ? Des this evenmake any sense ?
And when do straight people "choose" to be straight ?


Hall of Fame
Just like pedophiles

No ... and the very fact that you would make that comparison shows the desperation of knowing you have no real argument.

and pornographers and prostitutes and heroin addicts don't care for my opinion.

I have never seen you argue that they shouldn't be allowed to marry ... as long as they are straight.

SSM is legal, and the sky won't fall, just as it didn't fall when pornography went rampant. :)

Rampant for who? It hasn't been brought into my home since my divorce of over thirty years ago.

The fact is ... homosexual marriage is only a part of your life because you have chosen to obsess over it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If homosexuality were a "choice", who would some people "choose" to be gay in a world which is so hostle to them ? A world where they are often rejected and disowned by their parents, where they are at constant risl of being discriminated against, where they are hated and lied about , where they do not have the same rights as straight people ? Des this evenmake any sense ?
And when do straight people "choose" to be straight ?

To your latter, they don't. I didn't and I've yet to hear anyone else say they decided to start being attracted to the opposite sex one day...


New member
Just like pedophiles and pornographers and prostitutes and heroin addicts don't care for my opinion. SSM is legal, and the sky won't fall, just as it didn't fall when pornography went rampant. :)
Bigot commits slippery slope fallacy with pedophiles, everyone drink!:cheers:


Hall of Fame
To your latter, they don't. I didn't and I've yet to hear anyone else say they decided to start being attracted to the opposite sex one day...

Same here ... no one is ever able to give the account of the day they *chose* to be straight.


New member
Hat tip to the illustrious Musterion for this one :e4e:

Of course if taken seriously, it would negate the scotus ruling :think:

This is also a part of the gay "bait and switch" strategy: (even said openly, sans hidden camera by many now)

Pull the public in with certain arguments, then, once granted rights,
change the argument - or admit to the truth of the argument. ;)

‘Gays’ Admit They’re Not ‘Born that Way’


I'm not sure how this would negate the SCOTUS ruling.

I am not allowed to discriminate against you because of your religion. Were you born that religion, or is it a choice? And why should your choice be protected, but a gay man's choice not?