‘Gay’ Seattle Mayor, Accused of Past Sexual Abuse, Refuses City Council Member’s Call


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‘Gay’ Seattle Mayor, Accused of Past Sexual Abuse, Refuses City Council Member’s Call to Resign

SEATTLE, Wash. — The openly homosexual mayor of Seattle, Washington has refused a call to resign from office in the midst of allegations that he sexually abused several boys, including his foster son, over 30 years ago.

“I know that today a member of the council has issued a statement calling on me to resign, and warning of action against me if I do not. I continue to believe such a course of action would not be in the city’s best interest,” Mayor Ed Murray said in a statement on Monday. “My administration and I continue to govern the city effectively, and I am proud that we continue to deliver results that will improve the lives of the people of Seattle.”

Council member Lorena Gonzalez had urged Murray to step down earlier in the day, expressing concern over recently surfaced Oregon Child Protective Services records from the 1980’s that concluded that Murray had abused foster son Jeff Simpson as a teen.

Simpson is now 49, and has unavailingly sought to sue Murray. Simpson met Murray while living at the Perry Center for Children, where Murray worked with youth.

“When I was 13, it wasn’t just molesting; he raped me,” he told local television station KIRO. “But it’s something that for a while was happening daily.”

The outlet obtained the documents following a public records request, and learned that Murray was never charged because the Multnomah County prosecutor’s office found Simpson to be emotionally unstable.

While caseworker Judy Butler concluded in 1984 that “Jeff Simpson has been sexually abused by … Edward Murray,” Deputy District Attorney Mary Tomlinson also noted that prosecutors “could not be sure of meeting the high burden of proof in a criminal case—of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty.”

“However, this in no way means that the District Attorney’s Office has decided Jeff’s allegations are not true,” she added.

Murray was prohibited from serving as a foster parent in the future.

When questioned about the matter in April, Murray’s spokesman, Jeff Reading, asserted that the the mayor was being targeted because he is homosexual. Murray “married” his partner, Michael Shiosaki, in 2013 at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle. The two had met 22 years ago.

“The two older accusations were promoted by extreme right-wing anti-gay activists in the midst of the marriage equality campaign, and were thoroughly investigated and dismissed by both law enforcement authorities and the media,” Reading stated.

Three other men—Lloyd Anderson, Delvonn Heckard and Maurice Levon Jones—have alleged that Murray paid them drug money for sex in the 1980’s. Heckard has filed a lawsuit over the matter.

Gonzalez believes that the revelations and accusations raise questions about Murray’s fitness to serve.

“[T]he gravity of the materials in the finding and the continued attention to these issues will receive, raise questions about the ability of the mayor, his office, his department heads, and senior management to remain focused on the critical issues facing our city,” she said in a statement. “As a result, I am asking the mayor to consider stepping down as mayor and to work collaboratively with a subcommittee of the City Council to craft an executive leadership transition strategy.”

Murray, who says he will not run for reelection when his term ends, has refused to give up his seat until then. He denies all of the allegations.

“Seattle needs steady, focused leadership over the next several months. We have a lot of work to do,” he said on Monday. “Establishing an effective transition between administrations takes months of careful planning and preparation—work that I and my team have already begun. We do not need the sort of abrupt and destabilizing transition that a resignation would create, likely bringing the city’s business to a grinding halt.”

“Council action against me would similarly prevent the City’s business from continuing, only so I can again show these allegations from 30 years [ago] remain false.”

I wonder why this pervert isnt on the sexual offender list?


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Hall of Fame
Becasue accusations are not the same as convictions

From the op: "Oregon Child Protective Services records from the 1980’s that concluded that Murray had abused foster son Jeff Simpson as a teen."

Shame to the state there for not prosecuting him. But of course, as a pervert yourself, you have to defend this pervert. Shame.

The Horn

The overwhelming majority of pedophiles are heterosexual . Being gay does not mean you will automatically be a pedophile. Many married heterosexual men, such as the infamous Jerry Sandusky, have been guilty of molesting boys .


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Hall of Fame
The overwhelming majority of pedophiles are heterosexual . Being gay does not mean you will automatically be a pedophile. Many married heterosexual men, such as the infamous Jerry Sandusky, have been guilty of molesting boys .

So, what does that have to do with the ultra liberal city and state of washington turning a blind eye to the massive pervert molestor and failing to protect children?

Shame on you Rusha, i thought you cared about kids. Supporting perverts now?


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The pervert finally resigns.

Gay Seattle Mayor Ed Murray Resigns Following Fifth Child Abuse Claim, This Time From His Own Family

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned from his position Wednesday afternoon after a fifth accusation of child abuse came to light, this time from his own family.

"While the allegations against me are not true, it is important that my personal issues do not affect the ability of our city government to conduct the public's business. ... It is best for the city if I step aside. To the people of this special city and to my dedicated staff, I am sorry for this painful situation," Murray said in a statement.

The Seattle Times reported on Tuesday that the latest accusations against Murray stemmed from a younger cousin, who said the now former mayor molested him in New York in the 1970s.

Murray, who is gay and married to another man, has been accused on five occasions of having sexually abused teenagers before entering politics.

The politician has maintained his innocence since the accusations first began to emerge in April, and until this week refused calls for him to resign.

City Council member Tim Burgess said that mounting pressure has finally taken its toll, however.

"The accumulation of these accusations and now coming from a family member just made it essential that he resign," Burgess added.

Murray has argued that his progressive political record and gay-rights advocacy has made him a target for people looking to damage his career, The Washington Post reports, and he has blamed the latest allegations from his cousin as stemming from "bad blood between two estranged wings of the family."

The former mayor dropped his re-election bid in May after four men claimed they had been abused by him when they were teenagers. A lawsuit earlier in April accused Murray of having "repeatedly criminally raped and molested" a man when he was a homeless 15-year-old in the 1980s.

Murray's cousin, 54-year-old Joseph Dyer, became the fifth man to speak out, after he accused the former mayor of forcing him into sex when he was 13 at their shared bedroom at Dyer's mother's home in Medford, New York, in the mid-1970s.

The mother, Maryellen Sottile, said that she is glad that Murray has now resigned.

"We hope it helps the others in some way," she added.

City Council President Bruce Harrell has meanwhile said that he will step in as Seattle mayor, and will have to decide whether to remain through the rest of Murray's term.

"I have a plan in place for a seamless transition in order for city operations to continue at the highest standard," Harrell said. "Seattleites deserve a government that holds their full confidence and trust."

He further called the allegations against Murray "unspeakable," and said that the city's criminal justice and social service systems will have to fully investigate the claims.

Council member Kshama Sawant slammed her colleagues for failing to push Murray out of power sooner, however.

"Unfortunately, the majority of the City Council failed to show any such leadership," Sawant said. "Establishment politicians and political operatives do not show courage on an ordinary basis, so this is yet another example."