‘Black Men for Bernie’ Founder Switches Parties to Campaign for Trump

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

‘Black Men for Bernie’ Founder Switches Parties to Campaign for Trump

Jim Hoft Aug 26th, 2016

Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter has switched parties and will campaign for Donald Trump in swing states this fall.

Carter doesn’t believe Hillary Clinton when she said Donald Trump is racist because he knows how she lies from the primary this year.

Breitbart.com reported:

Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter’s mission to restore black communities didn’t end when Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders lost to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. He opposed Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment then because he knew that they didn’t represent the minority communities he engaged in politics to fight for.

After the leak of internal DNC emails, Carter is convinced that the Democratic Party “rigged” the primary against his candidate and that Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party has no intention of changing the policies that led to the destruction of the communities he’s working to improve.

Bruce Carter still believes that Hillary Clinton is the poster child for the kind of cronyism, corruption, and evil that the Bernie revolution was built to overthrow. He doesn’t believe Hillary Clinton when she labels Donald Trump and his supporters as racists because he knows she falsely labeled her opponents in the primary as sexist “Bernie Bros.”

Carter’s preparing to take the experience, knowledge, and contacts his group built during the primary to campaign against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump and other Republicans in battleground states across the country.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison