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  1. D

    what does Matt 7:13 and 14 really mean ?

    the strait // stenos , is in the genitive case , and means description or limit as to kind I believe that the strait gate is the Law of Moses and is strait and narrow , and is in the singular , meaning only one narrow gate . and the...
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    what does Matt 7:13 and 14 really mean ?

    enter ye at the strait gate ; for wide is the gate , and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction , and many there be which go in there at . verse 14 , reads , because is the , and narrow is the way , which leadeth unto life , and...
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    is this true , Rom 16:7 ??

    and here what I see !! in Rom 16:7 who were // ginomai is a verb in the Perfect tense , Active voice , indicative mood , means you better believe what the Holy Spirit had Paul write , and in the plural . In Gal 3:28 reads : in // en...
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    is this true , Rom 16:7 ??

    in Rom 16:7 reads , Greet Andronicus and Junias , my fellow countrymen and fellow prisoners, who are illustrious among the apostles , who were { in Christ before me ? and I believe that Paul was the first one saved and the first one in...
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    what is the meaning of John 3:3 ?

    # 1 I do not see Paul ever saying that any grace believer is { born again } but Paul says we are a new creation , is a big difference and we are Christ eyes , hearing , his smelling , his feet , his ears , in 1 Cor 12:12-17 my...
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    what is the meaning of John 3:3 ?

    and have never read where Paul ever said that we have to be born again , because , from Eze 36:25-38 and Eze 37 : 1-28 show how !! dan p
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    what is the meaning of John 3:3 ?

    and it was Israel that had to repent as Acts 2:37 and to be baptized , in the name of Jesus Christ !! we , see the difference of Matt 28:19 and in Acts 19:5 , in the name of the Lord Jesus . was the baptism with water , as I do...
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    what is the meaning of John 3:3 ?

    and Paul only speaks about regeneration , in Titus 3:5 one time . Matt 19:28 also speaks about regeneration , seem different to me and will have to look at the Greek text . and the gospels and old testament were written to Israel and...
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    what is the meaning of John 3:3 ?

    And I sys that John 3:3 speaking to Israel , only and Eze 36 : 24-38 is showing all how all of Israel will be saved . Eze 37:15-19 Christ will bring the stick of Israel and the sick of Judah and make them one stick and one nation...
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    what is the meaning of John 3:3 ?

    and you say , that you have born , once already !! and how were you born again , ? dan p
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    what is the meaning of John 3:3 ?

    John 3:5 says , except a man be " born again " he cannot see the kingdom of God . there are many that they have been born again , even , say it is for today and they mean it !! # 1 is it speaking of salvation for today ? # 2 is it...
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    why i believe water baptism is not for today !!

    and I am one two other forums and there are many that believe that water baptism does save them ! and many are RCC and many others , also , and that they can remit sins ! dan p
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    why i believe water baptism is not for today !!

    in 1 Peter 3:21 , reads , the like figure where unto even baptisma is the correct Greek word here and this Greek word baptisma is used 22 times from Matthew through 1 Peter 3:21 . where unto even baptisma ( meaning the Holy Spirit is...
  14. D

    did man ever remit sin ?

    this is what I see ! # 1 The only on that say that they can remit sin is the many groups , called the rcc and those that follow there teachings . #2 it is John , and I say it is speaking to Israel only . #3 Acts 2:36 is speaking to...
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    did man ever remit sin ?

    read John 20:22 says that Jesus that the 12 were assembled hen Jesus appeared to them . #2 then in verse 21 , He is sending them on a mission . #3 in verse 22 , Jesus says , receive ye " THE " Holy Spirit . the , is in brackets , as many say...
  16. D

    meaning of Acts 1:5

    1 Cor 6:2 we will govern angels and govern the universe , and if you do not know who to judge , you will be in a world of hurt in verse 1 !! dan p
  17. D

    Is John 3:7 for today ?

    In Acts 10:35 reads , but in every nation // ethnos , the one revering Him is working righteousness is acceptable to Him !!@ and that includes Cornelius !! dan p
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    The Rapture

    and believe that Christ will be coming back for the b o c , but here do see the Greek word rapture as I have yet to see that Greek word , it is found in 2 Thess 1 here the Greek word coming // parousia back for us . then in 1 Thess...
  19. D

    Is John 3:7 for today ?

    In Gal 2:7 reads , but on the other hand , having seen that i have been entrusted with the gospel of the (uncircumcision ) and see Eph 2:11 , just as Peter was of the " circumcision . so e see that Peter as a law keeper . then in Gal 2:13 and...
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    Is John 3:7 for today ?

    And the Mystery as hidden in God as written in Eph 1:4 . # 1 he has chosen // eklegomai is in the aorist tense , means it has already happened , in the and is in the singular and that means it has happened one time only and in the...