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  1. Yorzhik

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    Yeah the deep deep state that is OK with Trump or Biden is what I'm talking about. I call them a cabal because I think there are very few of them relatively compared to the number of bureaucrats in the deep state.
  2. Yorzhik

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    I'll take that bet. The intransigent are the people that have decided the government needs to be cut back no matter what. A lot of MAGA people are intransigent, but also people like me who are not Trump supporters (although I've defended him against the injustices they've thrown at him). And, I...
  3. Yorzhik

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    "Hoard my beaver" is just how the media is interpreting what he said from the White House press release. If you listen to the video, he actually said, "Iwuzindfutmhmafut"
  4. Yorzhik

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    Actually, I misspoke. It's not the deep state, as they are just another faction in the coalition of the left. It's something even deeper than them. They are OK with either Biden or Trump, but I think at the moment they think they would be better served with Trump. And, yes, I'm just speculating...
  5. Yorzhik

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    I'm not so sure. It seems like the deep state might want Trump to be president to get at the intransigent.
  6. Yorzhik

    America And Its Warm Embrace of Anti Semitism

    Let me start with a standard disclaimer because emotions on this topic make a lot of people think I like animals to torture and murder Israelis. This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, it seems to me that the Israelis need to put down this dog they let go feral. The problem is that...
  7. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    I'm merely responding to a highly insignificant possibility that there was a steel lining on the chambers of the great deep. If that was the makeup of the structure, I'm sure it would have been completely torn up by the actions in the flood if it were there considering it would be a great deal...
  8. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    I'm not so sure a mere few feet of steel would make much difference to seismic sensors. It's not like seismic data comes from electromagnetic waves, but pressure waves where the density in the steel would matter, not its metallic properties. And that density would be greatly affected by the...
  9. Yorzhik

    Hunter Biden

    And you think anyone cares about the gun violation? You'd think the DoJ would care just a little more about the massive government shakedowns he's been the bagman for. And you know a bagman is just a lower position in a larger organization, don't you?
  10. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    Well, you could interpret it that way, but I don't think God is that bad at communicating. Then you have to deal with the science that should be consistent with reality, and what you say here is inconsistent with what we see in science. Do you actually know anything about the Hydroplate theory?
  11. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    Seems like he was saying it lined the fountains of the deep directly, which would put it at the top of the fountain chamber and the bottom of the crust, no? Would it make a difference? Why not? It would hardly be an obstacle. I don't care enough to re-read, but I read the OP as a metal liner...
  12. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    We've never gotten near the bottom of the granite crust, but it would sure seem like any metal liner would have been disintegrated like the tissue it would be (relative to the crust it was lining) when the crust moved even a little bit - and in the flood the crust moved a lot.
  13. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    So, I think you are saying - going off of the amount of water that has gotten into the granite crust from below, that would imply a liner wasn't there to stop it. Ok. It's not a bad idea to mention what you are referring to when you post a video as an answer. I've seen those vids a number of...
  14. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    Was there something at those timestamps that preclude a metal liner? I think HPT remains silent on the idea. Hopefully you aren't thinking I'm endorsing the idea of a metal liner.
  15. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    I think HPT at least implies the moon is made of moon rocks, so I'm not sure your hyperbole is apropos. But I get your point. HPT will not comment on a lot of things that don't have anything to do with the theory itself. However, like the canopy discussion on the makeup of the windows of...
  16. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    I don't know if you can say this for sure. There is nothing in HPT that precludes a liner. What doesn't make sense to me is how a few feet of steel would make any difference at all to kilometers of granite thickness.
  17. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    I don't think it's using HPT as support, but claiming an addition to HPT that might be something to consider.
  18. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    Yes, there was a covering, which was the crust of the earth, over the fountains of the deep. The proposal tieman55 is making is that it was lined with metal. I find it rather far-fetched, but I'm willing to give it more credibility if there is more evidence for the idea.
  19. Yorzhik

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    Read again. The dome would be under the ground you are standing on, except for the parts that broke off and came up.
  20. Yorzhik


    A rigged election?