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  1. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    What weak and beggarly elements had the previously non-Christian Galatians been observing?
  2. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    Maybe there are, but that would be an issue for a different topic.
  3. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    I guess I just don't understand what you're saying with regard to your comment - "I started my rest when I was 7".
  4. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    re: I started my rest when I was 7. It's more of a reminder not to return to works for salvation, like keeping sabbath days." And I'm simply asking what works were you doing that you didn't return to when you were 7.
  5. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    The topic is in regard to the connection between biological rhythms of the body and the 7th day weekly Sabbath. The annual sabbaths have nothing to do with that.
  6. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    the topic issue is referring to the seventh day weekly Sabbath, not the annual sabbaths.
  7. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    Yes, as far as I know. Do you have documentation to the contrary?
  8. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    "I started my rest when I was 7." So, what works did you do before you stopped doing them at 7?
  9. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    A day of rest - in the case of this topic, it's the seventh day of the week.
  10. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    You said that you were resting from works. I just wonder what works you used to do that you are no longer doing?
  11. R

    Abolish or fulfill the law?

    My bad. I inadvertently left out "or the prophets". I have corrected it.
  12. R

    Abolish or fulfill the law?

    So you're saying He was referring to both?
  13. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    Roman's 14:5 says nothing about the Sabbath.
  14. R

    Abolish or fulfill the law?

    When the Messiah said that He had not come to abolish the law or the prophets but rather to fulfill it, was He referring to the fulfilling of the prophesies about Him in the Pentateuch or was He referring - at least as a minimum - to the keeping of the 10 Commandments?
  15. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    What works are you no longer doing?
  16. R

    Our biological evidence of creation and the seventh day Sabbath

    Since this topic is about the Sabbath, I'm curious what your point is with regard Romans 14:5?
  17. R

    The Joys of Catholicism

    As an aside, It might be interesting to note that as far as scripture is concerned, there are only 3 times mentioned where the Messiah spoke to Mary. And He seemed to be a bit perturbed with her 2 of those times. The 3rd time He merely told her to look at her son. And He never referred to her...
  18. R

    atheist stupidity

    Man, you are one weird dude.
  19. R

    atheist stupidity

    And you keep doing it. You just can't seem to help yourself. Next you'll be asking what the meaning of "is" is.