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  1. Clete

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    The deed state is just a faction of the Democrats but the deep deep state is okay with either Trump or Biden. Is that really what you meant to say? What evidence is there that such a cabal exists?
  2. Clete

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    Unfortunately, being an idiot is not required. My sister in law, who isn't a Democrat and who isn't stupid either, had no idea that Biden had dementia. If you happen to be lucky enough to live your life without paying much attention to politics, it isn't hard to be misinformed by the well oiled...
  3. Clete

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    I have no idea who the intransigent are that you think the deep state can't get to without Trump being president but you can take it to the bank, they're going to give Trump jail time on July 11th and a lot of it. It'll surprise me if he isn't behind bars that very day.
  4. Clete

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    Oh, and by the way, the fact the Trump won that debate so decisively all but guarantees that this New York "judge" is going to throw the book at Donald Trump. If you thought they were going after Trump before, wait until you see the berserker mode that they're fixing to move into. If sending him...
  5. Clete

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    After Biden's disastrous performance last night, the Dems will now try to drop Biden. I say "try" because the problem they've got is that they've undermined their own nomination process. It's set up in a way now that Biden would have to drop out himself, which I doubt he's going to do willingly...
  6. Clete

    Trump vs Joe the Rapist, First Debate

    Biden needs to do well enough to remain the candidate for the Democrats. If that happens, its a win for Trump. If it doesn't happen and the Democrats freak out and replace Biden with God only knows who, then it's a super massive loss for Trump.
  7. Clete

    Jesus is God !

    I would be curious to know what church, if any, she attends or what group she identifies with. I'd be surprised if she'd tell us. The only sect I know of that believes that God (The Father) has a physical form is the Mormons but she states clearly that God the Father is an invisible Spirit and...
  8. Clete

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    Any belief you desire to hold can be read into the scripture Ps82! That is the chief lesson you need to learn from your time here on Theology Online. If your handling of scripture is justifiable then maybe Hulon Mitchell Jr. really was the Son of God after all. How would you prove him wrong? I...
  9. Clete

    Jesus is God !

    NO!!! Jesus wasn't talking about His body! He was talking about HIMSELF!!! Jesus and the Father are ONE! John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only...
  10. Clete

    On the omniscience of God

    If you held the analogy together, it isn't that there aren't any dominoes because events have causes, but rather that there is more than one domino that certain previous dominoes can knock over. In the open view, some dominoes (i.e. people) have the ability to choose which domino falls next...
  11. Clete

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    That is not what the term "sovereign" means to anyone other than Augustinians (i.e. Catholics and Calvinists mostly). The word simply does not mean "control freak". It means "highest authority". God is the highest authority that exists. He has delegated authority to many creatures for several...
  12. Clete

    Jesus is God !

    There is no biblical evidence that Jesus bore the "image" of God while on Earth. There was no need. He had a physical body. There is also no biblical evidence that the visible manifestations of God prior to the incarnation were anyone other than He who would became Jesus - God the Son.
  13. Clete

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    The sea is actually paralleled with death and condemnation and sin. This is why (well, one of the reasons anyway) there will be no oceans on the New Earth. In what way is any of that thinking outside of the box? God wasn't blind before He created light. He is light! (Note that light is NOT...
  14. Clete

    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    No. Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. That includes the angels. Before the creation week, God was all that existed.
  15. Clete

    Jesus is God !

    This feels like someone trying to have it both ways. It just isn't this complicated. He whom we call "Jesus" is THE Creator God - period. He became a human being at the incarnation and grew His human body inside Mary's womb. He DID NOT have a human body before the incarnation - period. He DID...
  16. Clete

    Jesus is God !

    I was a rhetorical question! Go back and read the context. It made perfect sense.
  17. Clete

    Jesus is God !

    That goes for me as well. 😞
  18. Clete

    Jesus is God !

    Oh. My apologies to Bladerunner! I can't keep track of who said what sometimes!