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  1. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    God doesn't deceive, but the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one. He deceives. Like this-2Cor 11:12-15
  2. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    I don't need to consider that. I know 100% Jesus' religion is the JW,s. The ones hated by the world.
  3. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    The bible is fact. trinity translations are altered( removal of Gods name against his will) and errors translated by Catholicism to fit false council teachings. One must be taught by these( Matt 24:45) or many deep truths and symbolism cannot be understood. They are found in 1 single religion...
  4. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    The fact remains at the proper time means-over time truth would be revealed, But the other fact remains all of Gods truth is in the bible, thus before it was revealed all those matters were taught on by every religion using Gods bible. Thus the ones who had holy spirit and truth was revealed at...
  5. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    Jehovah is about to show the world who belongs to him. In Ezekial it says about 20 x in prophecy concerning these last days--They will have to know i am Jehovah. Gods view of a cult=A house divided( hundreds of trinity religions= a mass of confusion) will not stand.--You believed these-2Cor...
  6. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    Matt 24:45=at the proper time.= When God willed truth to be known. He required the group of men who diligently searched through many old writings, different translations, etc to uncover many truths. And they did, at the proper time. Plus when new light came, the false religions condemned them...
  7. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    All who draw close to Jehovah, he draws close to them.
  8. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    The holy spirit guided the NWT. Its all one needs. In the early years of the JW,s many error teachings still existed out of error filled trinity translations. It does not happen overnight finding Gods truth and undoing 1750 years of false teachings, especially when translating was erred and in...
  9. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    No it was sleeping until here in these last days--Some men knew and exposed the false teachings brought in through the years.
  10. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    I'm not. The holy spirit sent by God isn't a mass of confusion. Granted imperfect men make errors, but then correct the errors. Jesus is with 1 religion-1Cor 1:10= a true mark=Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.
  11. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    All of them lacked it. The true religion died out when the followers were murdered. 2Thess 2:3=Catholicism rose up and screwed it all up. The protestants tried to fix things but couldn't. They only had Catholicism error filled translating to go by. They all served the non existent trinity so...
  12. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    1christian religion has Jesus-1Cor 1:10= a true mark--Unity of thought( ALL of Gods 1 truth) no division--not hundreds of religions claiming to be Christian-just 1. The holy spirit guides them into all truth, the rest are a mass of confusion lacking holy spirit.
  13. Keiw1

    Our Moral God

    The major problem on earth is that 99% of all religion is false and those do not know God. They have twisted God into oblivion by satans will. By satan and his teachers transforming into angels of light.( 2Cor 11:12-15). God is moral-He is holy, he requires his creation to be holy. He hates...
  14. Keiw1

    God is one.

    The way God wrote it= Listen, o Israel YHVH(Jehovah) our God is one YHVH(Jehovah).---- Wicked men by satans will put LORD in place of Gods will.
  15. Keiw1

    Jesus is God !

    All mortals are imperfect. Even Gods chosen righteous ones.
  16. Keiw1

    Jesus is God !

    Many mortals fell throughout the bible who were Gods chosen. It did not make the religion wrong. Here are Gods chosen scholars speaking about Jesus- Matt 12:24-- Solomon Gods appointed king fell to false god worship at the end of his lifetime--It didn't make the religion wrong.
  17. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    You won't believe an inspired bible writer over errors. Is Paul wrong?= No, the errors in trinity translations that contradict Gods truth are wrong.
  18. Keiw1

    Jesus is God !

    If you care about truth and eternal life, you would check. You wouldn't take my word if i were Jesus, You check. God commanded you--Be like the Bereans and make sure of all things.
  19. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    The Hebrew language says you are wrong. God has sent me= 2 beings, the sender is God, the one sent is not called God.
  20. Keiw1

    Jesus is God !

    Before earth-Psalm 45:7--On earth-John 20:17,,Back in heaven-Rev 3:12--Jesus has a God---its insane to believe that God has a God.