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  1. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    As a matter of fact several respected commentators agree that Paul is the writer. Here are just three: ALFORD’S COMMENTARY On the supposition of the Pauline authorship, some account may be given of it,—viz. that the name of the Apostle was concealed, from the nature of the relations between...
  2. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    The evidence is the book of Hebrews itself. It is called "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews".
  3. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    Since I have been posting relevant and pertinent Scriptures all long, your hostility is to the Scriptures, not my own ideas.
  4. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    Really? Since when did the finished work of Christ and His High Priesthood in Heaven stop being relevant to the Church -- the Body of Christ? The Hebrew Christians in the first century were an important and integral part of the Body of Christ. Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with...
  5. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    We'll let those who are fair-minded decide whether I am a "flat out liar". Anyone reading my posts will see that that is a foolish and false accusation.
  6. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    False. Whether you agree or not I have clearly shown FROM SCRIPTURE that Paul wrote the epistle to the Hebrews. You can accept it or reject it, but you can't change the fact that ONLY PAUL speaks of "Timothy our brother". Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our...
  7. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    You are making a lot of unfounded assumptions about everything. I could probably teach you a thing or two about the King James Bible. But I am not here to argue with you.
  8. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    The epistle to the Hebrews would be an in-depth exposition of the finished work of Christ, and His High Priesthood in the heavenly Sanctuary, and how they superseded the sacrificial system of the Old Covenant. This is a key book of the New Testament.
  9. S

    Jesus and Judas

    This statement of yours indicates that God was tempting Judas: "This is my line. You are the one who is saying that Judas wasn't being manipulated by God. He very clearly was, albeit willingly so". Whether you call it manipulation or tempting, it comes to the same thing. But God neither...
  10. S

    Ukraine Crisis

    Yes. Eleven countries within Europe would have had the wherewithal -- at the very least -- to set up a line of defense (a military barrier) all along the Western border of Russia. They would not need to be as powerful as NATO (and the power of NATO is questionable). Now had the Obama...
  11. S

    Ukraine Crisis

    Well here's the thing. Since 2014 (when Crimea was annexed) the following countries to the West of Russia could have avoided NATO, and formed their own defense alliance against Russian invasion (knowing the history of the Russian bear): Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia...
  12. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    And is there any reason why Paul could not be extremely eloquent under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit? As a matter of fact it is God the Holy Spirit who is the Author of Hebrews and Paul is merely the writer. And yet at the end of the epistle we see the apostle Paul addressing the Hebrew...
  13. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    Do you seriously believe that the canon of the New Testament in is question? Or do you like to argue for the sake of arguing?
  14. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    It is only a fallacy to those who recognize no authority. But we do not even need this since I showed from Scripture that Paul is the writer to the Hebrews.
  15. S

    Jesus and Judas

    You have no case in the light of this passage: Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth...
  16. S

    Jesus and Judas

    If that is true, kindly show us the Scriptures which actually prove what you just said. It was Satan who was manipulating Judas. And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly. (John 13:27)
  17. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    Already addressed above. Even the King James translators -- a very large company of devout and learned men -- identified the writer as Paul. The title of the epistle in the original KJV is "The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews".
  18. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    Another erroneous allegation. Who do you think would write these words (shown below) and speak of "our brother Timothy" with whom he would come shortly? This passage below is typical of the apostle Paul, who wrote over half of the New Testament. 18 Pray for us: for we trust we have a good...
  19. S

    Jesus and Judas

    That may be what you think since I said nothing about "lucky coincidences". You seem to be forgetting that Christ knew what was in each man's heart, and he deliberately chose Judas so that prophecy might be fulfilled. Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil...
  20. S

    The Gospel of the Kingdom and the plot twist.

    Actually your response shows that your are the one who is confused. So I will not even address each point. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile" is not in opposition to which is the good olive tree and which are the wild branches. You say "Who was being addressed by Paul?" when the Bible calls it...