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  1. P

    Anyone ready a 2nd look at Sodom and G?

    I want to share my take on the events surrounding the judgement of S & G plus the three lords who showed up at Abram's tent. If anyone is interested just choose 'Like."
  2. P

    Did God initiate a Big Bang?

    I think God did have a BIG BANG! But my thoughts are not about the Big, out of the blue, Bang which atheists and agnostics think brought forth creation with life and intellect. Actually, I think the The BIG BANG I have in mind is just spectacular and the truth of it happening permeates through...
  3. P

    I just hear this: Why was Satan told to partake of the ground?

    It was on a commercial on TV for some other cause and no link to read an article; so, what I will write are my own ideas. Well, I have a suggestion based on what I've gathered from scripture. Satan's link happened in Genesis 3:14. Follow my thought within [...] And the LORD God said unto the...
  4. P

    Psalm 82 another look

    I know a number of TOL members don't take well to new perspectives, but I think any reader, who likes to momentarily think outside of the typical commentators' boxes will at least enjoy "my take" on Ps. 82. I know that when I saw the Chapter with this perspective it gave me greater insight on...