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  1. Idolater

    Seth Moulton

    Seth Moulton is a Marine, like JD Vance. The one branch of the military which focuses exclusively on administering God's wrath. The United States Marine Corps is small enough to do this, the other branches are just so big that they do have a lot more administrative work to be done, which is...
  2. Idolater

    Big if true What does this mean for the H.P.T. or for the Global Flood in general?
  3. Idolater

    Occasional-ism “a non-Deistic understanding of the World”

    Picking up where this relevant post left off from a now-closed thread on another controversial theory: “Why are heavy things heavy things, ultimately? in a non-Deistic...
  4. Idolater

    Our Shrewd God

    Clete's thread title inspired me. (Thanks, Clete!) There's a point-of-view where when we look at God from there, God looks shrewd. God is love, God is just, God is holy, God is merciful and gracious, but God is also shrewd. Can anyone...
  5. Idolater

    Answering old threads thread Part II

    The other one's getting a little long in the tooth and otherwise. This is a good old thread: I don't disagree with anything Lon says here, but it's important to note that demons don't only want us to sin, in fact, they're...
  6. Idolater

    Lifting & Fasting

    Pertinent threads: Purpose here is to discuss lifting weights and fasting in one thread. Reason being the other threads really focus on one or the other and not both, and we're...
  7. Idolater


    Idolatry is coveting, lust, and gluttony. And offering sacrifices to statues. On an altar. In a temple. With priests. Idolatry is all about a false God. Philippians 3 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even...
  8. Idolater

    RIP Gallagher

    This guy was really funny. I liked a lot of his content from the 1980's.
  9. Idolater

    Global Biblical Flood Hydroplate Theory Analysis and Discussion

    Thanks to @Jefferson for providing a really helpful link which sets out "three initial conditions" for the theory. 1. The created Earth was encapsulated by a granite crust nearly 100 km thick. 2. This crust was supported by downwarps in the granite crust creating pillars on a solid basalt...
  10. Idolater

    The explicitly Biblical evidence for the Flood: Rainbows

    We are told in Scripture that rainbows first appeared after the Flood. We are not told in Scripture that it ever rained before the Flood. Flood deniers teach that in order for there not to have been rainbows, there could not have been rain:
  11. Idolater

    Fr. Mike Schmitz talking to a bunch of young people

    I love how he advises them about how they can know whether their SO is "the one" lol.
  12. Idolater

    Universal Legal Representation

    We provide legal representation (subsidy) to those accused of a crime, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you. Education is also subsidized. You can opt if you can afford it, for your own education, but there's always the default government option available. There are...
  13. Idolater

    Fasting thread

    This came out of the Lifting thread, @Jefferson mentioned he fasts weekly and he got me intrigued about it. I personally tie it together with lifting weights and fitness but plenty of people don't, many people fast for religious and spiritual reasons as well, so I thought I'd make a new thread...
  14. Idolater

    Mortal sin, free will, and going to Communion

    Avoiding going to Sunday Mass is a grave sin. Grave sins are grave because of their objective weight, not due to any subjective judgment. A "mortal sin" is a grave sin which is committed with informed consent, which means with full knowledge and with deliberate consent. Sometimes people seem...
  15. Idolater

    The Second biggest evidence of the Flood. Fossils Obviously, in my estimation. Story goes, that every creature which lived on the land, and every bird, except for Noah and his family and all the species on the ark, perished in the Flood. All those...
  16. Idolater

    Don't feed the trolls ...

    ... but do, work on your form. How you are on social media is your form. Trolls are great for practicing and honing and experimenting with your form. It's a rhetorical form, you draw from all the classical education trivium, including the grammar and the logic, but your social media form is...
  17. Idolater

    Suicidality and the Second Amendment

    Pertinent threads: About two-thirds of gun deaths in America are by suicide. But what you may not know and I certainly didn't appreciate it til this week, is that mass shooters...
  18. Idolater

    Hospitals now I mean, obviously there's a conspiracy among mass murderers to terroristically attack the United States right now, and it's been ongoing since about the 1960s. This wasn't happening before then. "Soft...
  19. Idolater

    Let's take a breather on geology. Let's get into linguistics.

    Are these people Noah's family? Hypothetical culture without a known predecessor. Right around where we think the ark might have grounded (within reason anyway). Linguistically these people spoke Proto Indo European. These people originated All...
  20. Idolater

    How much do Americans want to spend on gun control?

    American household wealth is circa 150 trillion USD. How much of that would Americans authorize to spend to clear guns from the streets? There are 400 million civilian owned guns in America. What price would Americans pay for each one of them? In a fell swoop, a gigantic gun buyback, what...