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  1. Catholic Crusader

    Gays For Trump

    :thumb: Follow the Twitter hashtag #GaysForTrump (click here) ....and NO, I'm not gay, I just find it fascinating.
  2. Catholic Crusader

    ECT Graven Images

    A little while ago my Church was called a whore, and then my brethren were called whores. Ah, such love from my protestant brothers. Well, the person who said that then posted this: EXODUS 20. do NOT MAKE OR BOW BEFORE STATUES. I think he misquoted that, but let's let that detail go. I believe...
  3. Catholic Crusader

    Horowitz: Why Trump Will Win in November

    Horowitz: Why Trump Will Win in November Source LINK QUOTE: In elections generally – but this one in particular – things are not always what they seem. Take the apparent exculpation of Hillary Clinton by FBI Director James Comey. The Democrats responded with a statement that the issue is now...
  4. Catholic Crusader

    The Clinton Contamination - New York Times

    NOTE: Neither Dowd nor the NY Times are even close to being friends of the GOP The Clinton Contamination Maureen Dowd JULY 9, 2016 Source: Excerpt: "..........In a mere 11 days, arrogant, selfish actions by the...
  5. Catholic Crusader

    Donald Rumsfeld Will Vote For Trump

    Rumseld: Why I will vote for Trump
  6. Catholic Crusader

    As usual, Sarah Palin is CORRECT

    Sarah Palin Issues A Dramatic Response To The Dallas Police Shootings "Blood is on your complicit hands ..." Fred Maxwell July 8, 2016 at 3:29pm Source >> QUOTE: "Former Alaska Gov. Sarah...
  7. Catholic Crusader

    Up to Date Polls

    >> Thursday, July 07, 2016 Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere The presidential race has grown a bit tighter in this week’s White House Watch survey. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Donald Trump...
  8. Catholic Crusader

    Happy All Hallows Eve

    Happy All Hallows Eve ("Halloween"), which is the night before All Saints Day ("All Hallows"). November 1st is All Saints Day, a day commemorated to all who are now in heaven with God. Just as the night before Christmas is Christmas Eve, the night before All Saints is All Saints Eve. In Old...
  9. Catholic Crusader

    New poll shows one third of Americans support the impeachment of Obama

    New poll shows one third of Americans support the impeachment of Obama A new CNN/ORC International poll shows one third of Americans believe President Obama should be impeached and removed from office. That figure includes 57% of Republicans, 35% of independents, and 13% of Democrats. The...
  10. Catholic Crusader

    ECT When was the word "Catholic" first used?

    When was the word "Catholic" first used? shczHGr290g&list=PL88C1405EF0A5A182 Catholic Answers Senior Apologist Jimmy Akin explains that the word "Catholic" was first used to describe the universal Church as far back as the first century of Christianity.
  11. Catholic Crusader

    Hello from California

    Hi, My name is Terry. I am: Catholic Conservative a California resident Thanks for letting me join.