Search results

  1. Poly

    Poly's POTD 12-01-06

    :rotfl: Oh man. This has got to be submitted to be in the running for Post of the Year. :rotfl: Context
  2. Poly

    Poly's pick 11-30-06

    Well said! :wave2: See ya, :Commie: s Don't let the door.... (you know the rest). :up: Context
  3. Poly

    How would you describe your TOL use?

    How would you describe your use of TOL?
  4. Poly

    Poly's POTD 11-10-06

    Ok so it's a few days old. I've been busy and just now saw it so deal with it. :D Excellent! That's some classic Sibbie smack! :up: Smack
  5. Poly

    Poly's POTD 10-24-06

    :ha: :ha: :ha: :rotfl: That, boys and girls, is what you call Classic TOL SMACK!!! :ha:
  6. Poly

    Poly's POTD 10-22-06

    :up: Context
  7. Poly

    Poly's POTD 10-11-06

    That was a real blessing to read, Becky. Context
  8. Poly

    Poly's POTD 10-04-06

    Great post! Context
  9. Poly

    Poly's POTD 09-19-06

    Well said. Context
  10. Poly

    Poly's POTD 09-09-06

  11. Poly

    We finally have a High School Football team for Homeschoolers.

    We're fortunate, in our area, to have a great homeschool sports organization, NOAH. It's been around for years, offering just about everything except High School Football. Last year they finally got a team together to play a junior varsity schedule among High Schools in our area. They were...
  12. Poly

    Poly's POTD 08-21-06

    <!-- / message --> Context E4e, this post is so great. Despite our differences, it's so wonderful to see a person who, ultimately, has such a love and reverence for our truly wonderful and mighty God, that he simply cannot stand by and watch Him be disrespected. Thank you for this...
  13. Poly

    Poly's POTD 08-03-06

    Great post! :up: Context
  14. Poly

    Poly's POTD 07-20-06

    Smack-a-licious!! Context
  15. Poly

    Do you care that Jimmy cracks corn?

    :singer: "Jimmy crack corn and I don't care, Jimmy crack corn....." I heard a comedian comment on this recently and it got me to thinking. Doesn't anybody care that Jimmy cracks corn? Come on, people vote. Do it for Jimmy. :up:
  16. Poly

    Poly's POTD 07-12-06

    :up: Context
  17. Poly

    It's time for another Smilie Story contest

    :idea: Smilie Story Contest!!! Smilie story contests have always been lots of fun in the past and we are overdue for one. With the recent addition of several new :)s, the latest being :cyborg:, it's :Cyrus: we had another one to see who is the most talented :think: at integrating :)s in...
  18. Poly

    Poly's POTD 07-11-06

    Smacktastic!! Context
  19. Poly

    God's ability according to Calvinism

    Have you ever thought about all the things God is able to do according to Calvinism? There's absolutely nothing you could think of that He can not do according to Calvinist theology. God.... knows what the color utieoauri is. is able to be unable to be able to be unable..... can be...
  20. Poly

    New Avatar Theme

    Announcing TOL's new avatar theme.... :baby: :baby: :baby: BABY PICTURES!!!! :baby: :baby: :baby: TOL Loves Babies! So get out your cutiepie baby pictures and create an avatar. Any picture of yourself no older than around 2 years of age. We want to see our members as wee...