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  1. way 2 go

    ECT What if there had been no tree of the law

    Bob Enyart - The Plot: The Tree What if there had been no tree of the law (knowledge of good & evil) could satan have have still tempted Eve to sin ? What would the results have been if Adam & Eve sinned ?
  2. way 2 go

    game of geo guessing

    :geek: basically you are given 5 random points on google maps and have to get as close as possible in your guess to the location max 5000 points per guess scored 24759 once
  3. way 2 go

    Theology Club: circumcised vs uncircumcised

    Jesus & the twelve preached a gospel to the circumcised Mat 15:24 He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Paul & the twelve agreed on separate ministries circumcised & uncircumcised Gal 2:7 On the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the...
  4. way 2 go

    Theology Club: Bob Enyart's "The Plot" is he right?

    I have listened to Bob Enyart's The Plot series & I am reading the book. He settles a bunch of doctrinal debates like: are believers under the law? is baptism necessary ? does salvation by faith require works ? can believers lose their salvation ? must believers keep the sabbath ? is the...