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  1. M

    Ukraine Crisis

    The handful of quacks supporting white nationalism or the handful of quacks supporting black nationalism are just insignificant percentages of what makes up America.
  2. M

    For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud

    The dull, ignorant, lazy, corrupted, and/or evil certified an election that was fraught with fraud.
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    For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud

    Regardless of your unjustifiable hatred for Trump, the democrats did commit massive voter fraud in 2020 and your problem is that you are ignorant of the facts.
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    MTG was right to oppose the leftist token gun-control kid. Leftists are the ones who hate those standing for what is right. But if you are looking for kindness and compassion from leftists, you can forget it. Here is Hillary slamming the mother of one of the Americans who died in Benghazi as...
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    More from the loony Right

    Gosar is absolutely right.
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    More from the loony Right

    Lefties call American patriots "extremists" because lefties do not particularly love God or the US.
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    More from the loony Right

    Sinners who don't know God often align themselves with human groups that are estranged from God, such as white or black nationalist organizations.
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    Trump 2024?

    I didn't support Trump in the 2016 primary. That is because good Americans vote for the candidate of their choice, not for candidates chosen by some party they have a swirling-eyed allegiance to.
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    Trump 2024?

    At least the group is looking for candidates who will support traditional American values, not leftists with an addiction to one-world depravity and fascist control.
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    It was discovered that the shooter decided not to attack a school with a security presence.
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    Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

    Bill Clinton and Al Gore had a huge side business going selling US secrets for money under Buddist temple tables in California.
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    conspiracy theories

    Exactly. Leftists have spent years crafting what we now call the swamp where there is little danger the most crooked of swamp dwellers will ever be prosecuted by the justice officials who either support or fear the swamp.
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    conspiracy theories

    After failing their attempt to make a public example of David Koresh through their armed, made-for-TV, raid on the compound, armed officers under the direction of democrat officials murdered every man, woman, and child remaining in the compound as they sought to flee the fire through exits. The...
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    conspiracy theories

    Some conspiracy theorists are simply nuts.
  15. M

    conspiracy theories

    Ignorant people deny the truth about world leaders plotting a transformative new world order, but the ignorant are badly misinformed or deluded.
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    Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

    We now know that Edward Kennedy sought help from Russian insiders to help defeat Reagan in the 1984 election and Americans may well have been involved in colluding with Russians in the downing of Korean flight 007 in 1983 in a failed attempt to assassinate Jesse Helms.
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    Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

    Friends of God are friends of Americans who serve God. Japan and Germany were once enemies of the US and Russia was once an ally. Now we see members of a strong emerging force within American politics who unashamedly admit they are the enemies of God. God help us. America will sooner be...
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    Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

    Bankers and political leaders represented at the WEF are the emerging new world banking and political powers and they are definitely not American patriots.
  19. M

    Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

    Lefties still criticize Americans who rebelled against England and established the free and independent USA. Lefties criticize early Americans for transporting slaves to America instead of leaving the 'savages' (an early evolutionist term) alone in Africa to deal with slavery there alone.
  20. M

    For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud

    I'm not on this forum to solve the world's problems. I'm here to rebuke the stupidity of leftists who come here to spout their foolishness.