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  1. M

    Did modern humans and Neanderthals interbreed? No.

    The problem scientists are having is finding evidence of DNA linking modern humans and Neanderthals. I don't believe the science has been irrefutably settled on this issue. To an extent...
  2. M

    Did modern humans and Neanderthals interbreed? No.

    You have done a lot of thinking about all of this, but I suspect you may be missing some key points. One, you mention an ice age. If the earth's tilt created an ice age, then why are we not still in an ice age? There was no 'snowball earth' universal ice age after the flood. Before the flood...
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    Are you born again (John 3)? Take this test.

    The Lord told Nicodemus that he needed to be born again, meaning being born again takes place during a sinner's lifetime, not in the future or past. Abraham believed God and was chosen in Christ from the foundation of the world, but Abraham was born a sinner and he did not get born again in...
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    The Election was Stolen - PERIOD!

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    Can a Christian lose their salvation

    A more appropriate question might be can one of the elect lose his election?
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    Understanding God’s election

    Humans cannot save themselves, but God can and will save any and all sinners who repent of their sins and come to Him for forgiveness.
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    Are you born again (John 3)? Take this test.

    I believe the Lord saved me in 1971. I cannot prove to you that I am saved.
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    Need anti vaccination links

    Like this? 10-23-24
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    The Call of Abraham (Gen 12) Our calling too?

    Abraham believed God and for that God chose to build a nation of believers, including Christians, who are saved by faith just like Abraham. Ishmael represents the father of the divided house of the devil.
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    Deranged Leftist Meltdowns

    The truth is that the radical democrat extremists are calling for rioters to join them in a January protest event to overthrow the government of duly elected President Trump.
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    Are you born again (John 3)? Take this test.

    God instructs born again believers to give diligence to make their calling and election sure so as not to be deceived into dying in their sins while falsely believing they are saved.
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    Do we have the inspired Word of God today?

    We do.
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    Unable to Believe the “Foolish” Gospel

    The blind man recognized Jesus and called on Him before Jesus gave him sight.
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    Understanding God’s election

    God is not willing that any should perish.
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    For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud

    Russia did not interfere with the 2016 election on Trump's behalf, democrats lied about Russian interference in an effort to dishonestly steal the election for Hillary. Democrats again used the Russian disinformation lying ruse to steal the election from Trump for Biden.
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    For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud

    You deny there was election fraud but you are wrong.
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    AOC - Of Course She's Retarded, But Mentally Ill?

    God-rejecting commies do not like free speech if that gives non-leftists the right to speak.
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    Bring it On - Capitalism and Prosperity v. Socialism and Poverty

    Lefties must think those vegetables are racists.
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    Why Evolution is real science - let's settle this "debate"!

    Problems with Darwinism cannot be fixed by editing definitions.
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    Why Evolution is real science - let's settle this "debate"!

    Darwinists prove their biased ignorance by attempting to defend the ridiculous theory of evolution.