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  1. B

    No Post Trib Rapture

    I find nothing to indicate a rapture of the dead and alive in Christ Jesus in revelation 20;4.The following is the definition of soul.In revelation 20;4....notice the words...Then I saw "SOULS"The following is a definition of the word "SOUL" 1.The animating and vital principle in humans...
  2. B

    Seal Judgements and the Wrath of God

    The seals are future, in that, these are ingrediants directive in Gods Wrath,..These give a path on how things will fall into place,...seasoning to a crockpot of stew that is not finished cooking. The Day of the Lord begins slightly prior to the beginning of Daniels 70th week. The ..."Departure"...
  3. B

    Edge of Eternity

    At this time we see all the signs of a great war brewing in the middle east. I believe that it is a war that consists of the prophecies of Psalms 83 and Isaiah 17;1. With that thought in mind,...please be aware that the nations mentioned in Psalms 83 and Isaiah 17;1....are not at all mentioned...