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A game is completely known by a game programmer. There is absolutely nothing you can do in it that wouldn't be already known. There is absolutely nothing (nothing) that you have seen or done that isn't done in His creation. He is the programmer by analogy of all we experience.Your "Example" does not show how "one does not at all lead to the other"; it only confirms my point.
Then, by extension, if I am right (I am, "without Him, nothing exists that exists" is clear) then you are accusing because your mind works that way. Mine does not. Does a programmer know you can get in there and mod a game? Are there cheaters? Yes there are. These too, however, are not outside of the program. Any good developer who doesn't know all (they work in teams and where analogy breaks down, programmers aren't God whom even Open Theists claim "knows all that is knowable."); still programs to stop cheaters and hackers.When the developer creates a game and he forces you to play, knows you will not win, and charges you with the loss, there is nothing there that you can call "freedom".
Then 'forces you to play.' No, you can check out any time you like, but if you play (and you are), then you are in an environment fully created by God. Here is a question: why do you want God to not be able to program? Why do you want Him not to be the Creator of all we see and experience? Because a hacker got to the program? He fixed that with the Lord Jesus' work. In fact, you are a created being 'in' the program, so to speak! As such, yeah, you are forced to play as a being created. How it plays out is important. You are in something with importance and points to existing.
I've played lots of games that seemed impossible. In fact a good portion of them I cannot finish without help. See? Open Theism jumps the gun and quits before it asks important questions like "is this game winnable?" "Absolutely, but not by yourself" is often a good answer.The developer predetermined your loss..., and..., you still have Calvin's dilemma. Many people would call it a scam and nobody would call it love.
So, 'to fail in predetermined loss?' No. You are supposed to win. Jesus made sure it could be won, thus Paul pressed on to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Albeit analogy breaks down, a game is apt for consideration points.
I don't care. That is the difference: His will is incredibly better than my own self-interested one. America steeps us in independent thought but consider:Seems like your trying to claim "freedom" while trying to adhere to Calvin's 'Sovereignty'; you can't.
Romans 12:5 we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
Where is you located in either of these? Wherefore does one imperialize, especially in theology, one's free will and call it free will theism?
Aren't they actually promoting ideology, psychology, and anthropology over and above actual theology on point and confusing them in damage?